Hammer Station

Hammer Station 2 Hammer Station

Hammer Station: During the Great Galactic War, the Galactic Republic constructed a formidable prototype battle station known as Hammer Station.

Historical Context

As the Sith Empire applied pressure during the conflict, the Republic Senate directed its limited resources toward increasingly desperate initiatives aimed at bringing the war to a close. Hammer Station emerged as one such project, representing a prototype mobile installation engineered within an asteroid. It incorporated a combined tractor beam system alongside a massive gravity cannon. The tractor beam's function was to capture nearby asteroids, which the cannon would then propel toward a designated target at velocities nearing the speed of light. Shields were rendered useless against the immense kinetic energy of these projectiles. When positioned above a planet, Hammer Station possessed the capability to obliterate entire urban centers with a single shot.

Battle for Hammer Station

However, the attacks launched by Hammer Station lacked precision. The resulting asteroid impacts triggered planet-wide dust clouds and seismic events, rendering entire planetary surfaces virtually uninhabitable. Witnessing this level of devastation, the Republic Senate refrained from authorizing its deployment, even against the Empire, ultimately ordering the project's termination. Classified, the Hammer Station project files were later destroyed in a Senate tower bombing following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. Consequently, Hammer Station was abandoned and left to drift aimlessly through space.

Ten years following the Sacking of Coruscant, the Advozse Hegemony seized control of the station, utilizing it to subjugate worlds located in the Outer Rim. Moreover, numerous Republic war droids that had been left behind on the asteroid were captured and reprogrammed aboard the station. Darth Malgus, the conqueror of Coruscant, assembled an Imperial strike force with the mission to board and destroy Hammer Station, while also determining how the Advozsec had managed to acquire it. Simultaneously, Satele Shan, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, mobilized Republic forces to conduct their own investigation.

Structural Design

Hammer Station was conceived and constructed within the confines of an asteroid. A primary hangar bay, facilitating the movement of incoming and outgoing supplies, connected to a network of corridors. While many of these corridors were fully completed, antechambers contained drills and other mining apparatus employed for excavating through the asteroid's interior. Several expansive caverns were present, including one that housed a sizable DN-314 Mining Droid.

The security wing comprised a series of interconnected tunnels, some of which featured bubble tunnels that offered unobstructed views of space. Under the control of the Advozse Hegemony, this area served as the primary residence for the majority of the Advozsec. Furthermore, it was under the command of Vorgan the Volcano, along with his subordinates, Sawbones Gjonfs and 2R-CH. The security wing provided access to Section Zero.

Section Zero housed the gravity cannon responsible for launching asteroids. To ensure safe passage across the cannon, a bridge was constructed that could be deactivated prior to launching an asteroid. Battlelord Kreshan could frequently be found in this area, overseeing the station's operations on behalf of the Supreme Warmaster.

Behind the Curtains

The location known as Hammer serves as the setting for a flashpoint mission featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.

