Chodo Habat's herd

Chodo Habat's collective comprised a group of Ithorians who were deeply involved in the Telosian Restoration Project. This group was under the direction of Chodo Habat, with Moza serving as his main representative.


Due to their widely acknowledged expertise in ecospheres and biology, the Ithorians of Chodo Habat's collective were chosen for the important task of revitalizing Telos. Difficulties emerged when the Czerka Corporation, under the leadership of Jana Lorso, seized control of multiple restoration areas from the Ithorians. During Meetra Surik's time at Citadel Station, she encountered Chodo Habat and his Ithorian colleagues, undertaking a variety of missions to aid in their restoration work. Subsequently, Jana Lorso of Czerka Corporation dispatched a team of mercenaries to assault the Citadel Station Ithorian Compound, which led to multiple deaths within the collective. Surik then eliminated the mercenaries. As a thank you for her help, Chodo granted Surik permission to utilize one of their planetary shuttles to travel to the surface of Telos.


