The Citadel Station Ithorian Compound was situated within Residential Module 082 of Citadel Station, which orbited Telos IV. Chodo Habat, who oversaw the Telosian Restoration Project, used the compound as his headquarters. When the Jedi Exile arrived at Citadel Station, she assisted the Ithorians residing at the compound by revealing the illicit operations of Czerka Corporation to the Telos Security Force and persuading Loppak Slusk of the Exchange to cease their harassment of the Ithorians. As a reward, Habat aided in restoring a portion of the Exile's connection to the Force. Shortly after, the Exile protected Chodo, his assistant Moza, and the other Ithorians at the compound from a raid conducted by Czerka's mercenaries.
Later on, when Darth Nihilus launched an assault on Telos IV, the Jedi Exile, alongside forces from Dantooine, Onderon, and other planets, initiated their counter-attack against the Sith forces present on the station, utilizing the Ithorian Compound as a central base of operations.
During Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, if the Exile decides to embrace the dark side, they will side with Czerka and thwart the Ithorians' efforts. Irrespective of whether the Exile aligns with the Ithorians or Czerka, they can also engage in the illegal smuggling of leaves from the Ithorians' bachani plant for Samhan Dobo.