Residential Module 082

Residential Module 082 was one of the many modules situated on the orbiting Citadel Station above Telos IV, which was constructed following the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War. Like other modules of its kind, it was comprised of several small living spaces. Furthermore, this particular module was split into eastern and western wings, and it was situated in close proximity to Entertainment Module 081, the Ithorian Compound, the offices of the Telosian Czerka Corporation, and the Bumani Exchange Corporation, which served as a front for the Exchange on Citadel Station. A typical apartment in Residential Module 082. During the Republic's probe into the destruction of the Peragus Mining Facility, the Jedi Exile, accompanied by her companions Atton Rand and Kreia, took up temporary residence in apartment C3 of Residential Module 082. During their stay, they assisted the Ithorians in their efforts to regain control of the Telosian Restoration Project, and they located a man by the name of Batono, who was wanted by the Telos Security Force to give testimony against Czerka Corporation, hiding in one of the other apartments within the module.

Behind the scenes

Notably, the green signs positioned above the entrances to each of the three apartment pods display the word "RESIDENTIAL" written in Aurebesh.

