Batono was a male Human who previously worked for the Czerka Corporation. Due to his dissent regarding many of their operational methods, he sought refuge among the Ithorians residing on Citadel Station. Chodo Habat, the Ithorian leader, placed Batono in a protected living space.
Unfortunately for Batono, both the Telos Security Force and Czerka were in pursuit of him. The TSF desired his testimony against Czerka before the Telosian Council, while Czerka aimed to silence him. Ultimately, Dol Grenn enlisted the aid of Meetra Surik, who promptly located Batono's hiding place.
Upon being discovered, Batono strongly resisted leaving his living quarters; however, Surik convinced him to testify against Czerka. Batono consented and departed with Surik, only to encounter a pair of Czerka's mercenaries, whom Surik swiftly defeated. Batono was safely delivered to the TSF, and he expressed his gratitude to Surik. Subsequently, Grenn compensated Surik with 300 credits.
As an alternative, for players choosing the dark side path, Batono can be killed, and the player can then visit Jana Lorso to collect a reward of 200 credits for his assassination.
Additionally, players have the option to locate Batono, inform Jana Lorso of his whereabouts, and she will arrange for mercenaries to "deal with him" after the player returns to Batono and persuades him to leave his secure apartment.