Skirmishes on Citadel Station

The incidents known as skirmishes on Citadel Station unfolded in 3951 BBY aboard Citadel Station, which orbited Telos. The primary conflicts on the station involved the Ithorian herd and the Czerka Corporation, both vying for authority over the Telosian Restoration Project. Meetra Surik, a former Jedi and exile, along with her companions, found themselves detained at the station following the Peragus incident. Upon their release, they assisted the Ithorians and Telosian authorities in their struggles against Czerka. This assistance also contributed to the weakening of the Bumani Exchange branch during a minor incident in their offices, orchestrated by Surik for the Ithorians, further diminishing their control over Citadel Station.

Surik also performed some unofficial duties for the authorities and rescued Batono, a former Czerka employee who had fallen out of favor with the corporation. Additionally, Surik aided Lieutenant Dol Grenn in uncovering the source of a black market smuggling operation on the station, ultimately exposing the Duros merchant leading the ring during a confrontation in one of the docking modules.

These clashes concluded when the Ithorians successfully revealed Czerka's unlawful activities to the Telosian Council, enabling their herd to continue their work.


In 3955 BBY, following the bombardment of Telos, a restoration effort was initiated to revitalize Telos, funded by Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa. The Galactic Republic hoped that Telos's successful restoration could serve as a model for other planets. Citadel Station was constructed in orbit to house technicians and other specialists involved in the restoration efforts. However, the Czerka Corporation, under the leadership of Jana Lorso, saw an opportunity for profit and integrated itself into the project, placing allies on the Telosian Council to protect Czerka's interests. The corporation also undermined the efforts of others, including the Ithorian herd, using legal loopholes and mercenaries to seize control of the restoration zones and exploit their resources. Czerka's goal was to maximize its profits, even at the expense of the project.

Over time, the Exchange and smugglers infiltrated the station's operations, with the local Exchange crime lord, Loppak Slusk, overseeing most illicit activities. Independent operations also existed, such as the smuggling ring led by the Duros merchant Samhan Dobo, who supplied weapons to the Exchange and Czerka.

Meetra Surik, the former Jedi and exile, arrived at the station with her allies aboard the Ebon Hawk after escaping the destruction at Peragus. Lieutenant Dol Grenn arrested them, impounded their equipment and ship due to their possible involvement in the destruction, and confined them in force cages while an investigation was conducted to determine their role.


False Batu Rem

Despite their pleas of innocence, Surik and her allies were held in force cages while the investigation proceeded. Soon after, an assassin disguised as an officer entered the room, revealing that he had been sent by the Exchange to eliminate the last Jedi. He explained that he had disabled the holocameras, allowing him to overload the cages and electrocute them.

However, Surik and her companions, Kreia and Atton Rand, managed to defeat the imposter amidst the chaos. Lieutenant Grenn arrived, initially believing that the three were attempting to escape. Upon discovering the imposter, he ordered Lieutenant Yima to conduct an investigation while transferring the prisoners to house arrest in Residential Module 082, with guards present to prevent a recurrence. Hours later, Surik and her allies were permitted to leave, but were restricted from leaving the station pending the arrival of a ship dispatched by the Republic to conduct its own investigation. Surik later discovered and informed Grenn that the imposter had arrived on a tramp freighter from Nar Shaddaa.

Ithorians vs. Czerka Corporation

Moza, an Ithorian, contacted Surik (while she was under house arrest) to request a meeting on behalf of Chodo Habat, who sought her assistance in addressing Czerka Corporation's schemes on the station. After Moza explained their situation, Surik agreed to meet with Habat. However, Kreia and Rand both advocated for leaving the station, arguing that remaining there for too long could attract the Sith and hinder their goals.

During her meeting with Habat, Surik was tasked with procuring and escorting an intelligence droid that was needed to oversee certain areas of their project. Habat explained that their previous droid had disappeared, and while the authorities concluded it was not stolen, they suspected otherwise. Czerka also sought to acquire the droid and dispatched mercenaries to secure it in the docking module. Surik and her allies defeated the mercenaries and escorted the droid back to Habat.

The second task involved negotiating with the Exchange leader, Loppak Slusk, to reduce their control over the Ithorians. Hoping to resolve the issue peacefully, Surik met with Slusk's chief lieutenant, Luxa, in the cantina. Luxa, who disliked Slusk and planned to usurp his position, agreed to help Surik enter the offices without trouble, as she had several of its people (including the Gamorreans) on her side. The planned coup began in the offices, where Surik dispatched Benok and his accomplices before confronting Slusk and demanding that he leave the Ithorians alone. However, when Luxa arrived, the former Jedi refused to kill Slusk and was forced to help him kill Luxa when the Zeltron attacked her. This attempted coup failed, but it did disrupt Exchange operations on the station.

The final task was to uncover evidence of Czerka's illegal activities so that the Ithorians could present it to the Telosian Council. They hoped that the Council would take action against Czerka, allowing the Ithorians to continue their work without corporate interference. Surik discussed infiltrating the Czerka mainframe with Corrun Falt, a Czerka employee who despised Lorso and aspired to her position. He suggested that B-4D4-GE3 could access the mainframe if Surik obtained the droid's credentials, allowing her to take possession of the droid. Surik later approached Opo Chano for the credentials and was able to go to the Czerka office to secure the droid and take him to the Ithorians to be reprogrammed for the mission.

The Ithorians reprogrammed the droid to both lie (to preserve its mission) and download all evidence from the Czerka mainframe that could implicate them in illegal dealings. The droid managed to gain access to the mainframe and manipulated his counterpart T1-N1 to attack the two Czerka guards standing outside the mainframe as a diversion. This enabled T1-N1 to escape Czerka while allowing B-4 the chance to wipe all information regarding himself while returning to the Ithorians with the evidence. Once the mission was completed Habat decided to allow the droid to go free; Rand however took issue with this and said that B4 could not be trusted to keep quiet about what had transpired.

Black market

The failed Czerka attack to retrieve the Ithorians' droid also presented a new task: a modified holdout blaster was found on one of the mercenaries which prompted Surik to take it to Lieutenant Grenn for inspection. Grenn long suspected there was a black market smuggling ring on the Station and determined that the blaster was just the first step in finding evidence to expose it. He tasked Surik with showing the blaster to others to see who might know more about it. Surik took it to the Duros merchant Samhan Dobo who admitted that he made and sold the weapon; Surik said she wanted to help his operations and he tasked her with acquiring three things for his next operation. Surik secured Grenn's aid in acquiring the three things before telling her to go with Dobo to his exchange so that Grenn and his people could arrest those involved.

Surik provided the items to Dobo and accompanied him to meet his Czerka contact in the docking module. The deal was unable to go ahead due to Grenn intervening and Surik's role revealed; Dobo tried to use a grenade to kill them but was defeated and arrested. He swore revenge on Grenn and Surik from his force cage. Dobo's defeat also crippled a leg of Slusk's operations on the Station.


Lieutenant Grenn at one point asked Surik to locate Batono who was to report on Czerka activities to the Telosian Council per his advice. Surik asked a dock worker in the docking module who knew about Batono but directed Surik to speak with Jana Lorso. Lorso said she too was interested in locating Batono since she wanted him silenced to end his mistruths. Surik also approached the Ithorians (on Lorso's advice since Batono spent time with them) and Habat directed Surik to an apartment where she would find him in hiding.

Surik convinced Batono that she would keep him safe en route to Grenn but was forced to kill two mercenaries that Czerka sent to kill him. His safe arrival to Grenn meant that Batono could speak with the Council.


The Ithorians provided Surik and her allies with a shuttle to leave the Station and descend below to the restoration zones to meet with the Zabrak engineer Bao-Dur who could help them locate their ship. Surik also managed to save the Ithorians from an attack in their compound when Czerka hired mercenaries to eliminate them (Surik intervened just before she was to leave the Station). Batono's information to the Council enabled for them to demand that Czerka relinquish its Telosian resources and stand trial for their misdeeds; Czerka's influence was removed at some point before the battle at the Station.

The black market bust also proved helpful in the sense that it provided Grenn and the authorities with weapons to use when Darth Nihilus and his Sith forces attacked Telos.

Grenn also advised Admiral Carth Onasi about Surik's escape but Onasi explained that he was en route to Telos to speak with Grenn deciding to adopt a "wait-and-see" approach regarding Surik.

Surik later allied with the Exchange crime lord and droid G0-T0 and later discovered that he in fact was the first droid meant for the Ithorians. He explained to her that his mission was to preserve the Republic and that the Ithorians' directives for him would prove counterproductive to his mission.

