Corrun Falt

Corrun Falt was a Human male working for the Czerka Corporation stationed at Citadel Station, and he harbored a strong dislike for his boss, Jana Lorso.


Following the Jedi Civil War, Falt, a dissatisfied employee of Czerka Corp. on Telos IV, was persuaded by Meetra Surik to give her access to Czerka's main computer system. This action revealed Lorso's unlawful activities, enabling Surik to undermine Czerka and guarantee the success of the Ithorians' restoration project on Telos.

Later, Falt instructed Czerka's hired soldiers to prevent Surik from entering the Czerka-controlled restoration areas located on the surface of Telos.

Behind the scenes

Although Falt's importance is primarily tied to Surik's alliance with the Ithorians, he was originally intended to be a part of the Czerka narrative even if Surik sided with Lorso. In this alternative scenario, Falt would also be scheming against Lorso. Surik would have the option to assist Falt or inform Lorso of his disloyalty. If Surik chose the latter, Lorso's security forces would execute Falt.

