Loppak Slusk

Loppak Slusk was a male Quarren who operated as a crime lord representing the Exchange, a widespread criminal organization, on Citadel Station. He was dispatched to Citadel Station above Telos IV by G0-T0, the head of the Exchange on Nar Shaddaa, with the mission of integrating the Exchange into the emerging Telosian society. Slusk's alliance with the Czerka Corporation drew the attention of Meetra Surik, a Jedi who was the target of a bounty. When Slusk attempted to claim this bounty, Surik fought back, nearly dismantling his entire operation.


Around the year 3951 BBY, Slusk received orders from his superior, the Exchange crime lord G0-T0, to establish a new Exchange presence on Citadel Station. Following the Sith Empire's bombardment of Telos IV, Citadel Station was erected to house displaced Telosians and serve as a base for the Telosian Restoration Project, a large-scale terraforming effort aimed at revitalizing Telos's surface.

G0-T0, with foresight, hoped Slusk's operation could embed itself within the Telosian economic system prior to its full recovery. Slusk successfully established an Exchange foothold on Citadel Station, utilizing the Bumani Exchange Corporation as a legitimate front for the Exchange's activities. He enlisted several key subordinates, among them Benok and Luxa. The Exchange soon engaged in a variety of illicit activities around Telos, including the smuggling of weapons and spice, as well as the control of gambling rings.

During this period, Slusk entered into an agreement with Jana Lorso, the representative of the Czerka Corporation on Citadel Station. Lorso sought to wrest control of the Restoration project away from the pacifistic Ithorians. Slusk consented to provide additional manpower to Czerka to harass the Ithorians, in return for access to Czerka's private hangars for use in their illegal ventures. This arrangement proved mutually advantageous until the arrival of Meetra Surik.

Shortly before Surik's arrival at the station, G0-T0 had placed a substantial bounty on all Jedi. Slusk intended to capture Surik and deliver her to Nar Shaddaa. Surik was initially detained by the TSF pending an investigation into the destruction of the Peragus Mining Facility (in which Surik was suspected of involvement). Slusk, using one of Czerka's hangars, facilitated the entry of an assassin disguised as a TSF officer named Batu Rem onto the station. The assassin then proceeded to disable security systems, among other actions. However, the assassin's attempt failed, and Surik was subsequently released.

Surik's presence clearly threatened to cause problems on the station, disrupting Czerka's plans. Lorso contacted Slusk, requesting that he dispatch a group of enforcers to a docking module to seize an information droid from the Ithorians. Slusk attempted to comply, but Surik, having allied herself with the Ithorians, eliminated the attackers.

Soon afterward, an illegally modified blaster used by one of her attackers led Surik to Samhan Dobo, the primary supplier of black market weaponry on Citadel Station. Surik, with the assistance of the TSF, subsequently shut down Samhan's operations, severely impacting Slusk's network.

Surik's final action against Slusk involved infiltrating his headquarters. Despite Slusk's explicit instructions to his security personnel that no representatives of the Ithorians were to be permitted entry, Surik managed to enter the Exchange offices. Surik confronted Slusk, claiming to represent Chodo Habat, the leader of the Ithorians on Citadel Station. Enraged by Surik's infiltration, Slusk ordered his chief enforcer, Benok, to deal with the Jedi.

Surik defeated Benok and his men, then pursued Slusk to his personal quarters. Furious that the Gamorrean guard at his office door had allowed Surik access, Slusk deployed his droid bodyguards to eliminate Surik, sealing his office shut.

However, even droids could not stop the Jedi. Slusk, fearing for his life, inquired as to Surik's demands. Surik simply requested that the Exchange cease its harassment of the Ithorians. Slusk expressed surprise that Surik had gone to such lengths for a simple request, but their meeting was interrupted by Luxa. Suspicious, Slusk questioned Luxa about her possible involvement in the Jedi's admittance. Luxa confirmed Slusk's suspicions, clearly intending to usurp his power with the Jedi's assistance. The Jedi, however, attempted to remain neutral. Enraged that Surik would not aid her as planned, Luxa attacked Surik, supported by her Gamorrean bodyguards. Together, Slusk and Surik thwarted Luxa's coup.

Surik reiterated her request that Slusk leave the Ithorians alone, asserting that she had demonstrated her ability to cause him trouble. The Quarren, recognizing the Jedi's demonstrated power, agreed to cease his harassment of the Ithorians, but warned Surik against pushing the Exchange any further.

Personality and traits

Slusk's personality was typical of many Quarren. He held a low opinion of others' intelligence, considering himself superior. This arrogance proved problematic, as he underestimated both Luxa's capacity for betrayal and the abilities of the Jedi. Nevertheless, Slusk was a skilled businessman, effectively managing the operations on Citadel Station and generating a steady income. As a result, G0-T0 valued Slusk highly, favoring successful Exchange leaders over those who were merely ruthless or tactful.

Slusk lacked a strong moral compass, unsurprisingly given his affiliation with an intergalactic criminal organization. He readily engaged in bribery and extortion, doing whatever was necessary to establish the Exchange's presence on Citadel Station, including bribing officials and assassinating potential threats. Slusk also had zero tolerance for incompetence, threatening to kill subordinates who allowed an Ithorian representative to enter the Exchange offices.

Slusk placed a high value on his personal safety, surrounding himself with numerous layers of protection. He was constantly accompanied by two droid bodyguards, similar in design to the war-droid series. The area outside his office was guarded by ruthless Gamorrean warriors. Additionally, Benok typically stationed several men near the door when he was absent. Benok himself served as Slusk's "chief of security," or top enforcer. Closer to his person, Slusk had concealed turrets on either side of his desk.

Slusk's attire was typical for Quarren of that era. He wore long bluish-white robes, secured by a wide metal belt, and a short brown cape that extended to his lower back. Slusk also carried a sonic pistol, a common weapon among Quarren crime bosses, such as Saquesh.

Behind the scenes

While the preceding narrative represents the most canonical light-side resolution, the Exile has alternative options available.

If the Exile is aligned with the Ithorians:

  • Voluntarily collaborate with Slusk, not solely out of necessity. Spare Slusk at the conclusion. (Light side) Kill him at the conclusion. (Dark side)
  • Partner with Luxa as initially planned. Betray Luxa after Slusk's death. (Dark side) Be betrayed by Luxa.
  • Choose to eliminate both Slusk and Luxa. (Dark side) [1]

Alternatively, if the Exile is on the dark side of the Force, they can align with Czerka and attempt to assassinate Slusk for Jana Lorso, leading Slusk to feel betrayed. This scenario can unfold similarly to the above encounter:

  • Betray Luxa and side with Slusk. Spare Slusk at the conclusion. (Light side) Assassinate Slusk for Lorso as planned. (Dark side)
  • Assassinate Slusk for Lorso as planned. (Dark side) Be betrayed by Luxa. Betray Luxa. (Dark side)
  • Choose to eliminate both Slusk and Luxa. (Dark side)
  • Attempt to remain neutral. (Light side) Betray Slusk at the conclusion. (Dark side)[1]

