Sonic pistol

A sonic pistol represented a kind of sonic weapon that shared similarities with a blaster pistol. It generated a highly concentrated burst of sound energy, possessing the capability to obliterate physical objects and inflict severe harm.


Engineered as a means for ordinary citizens to counteract the ability of Jedi and Sith to deflect projectiles using lightsabers, the sonic pistol discharged focused bursts of pure sound toward its intended target. Although possessing a somewhat lesser degree of power in comparison to conventional energy-based armaments like blasters and pulse-wave weapons, the sonic pistol exhibited exceptional efficacy when employed against Jedi and Sith. This effectiveness stemmed from the weapon's sonic projectiles circumventing lightsaber defenses, rendering deflection an impossibility. Furthermore, the sonic energy sometimes possessed the capacity to destabilize a target's sense of balance, thereby inducing disorientation.


While the basic sonic pistol lacked an integrated setting for stunning, alternative sonic armaments, exemplified by Pacnorval's Sd-77 sonic pistol, incorporated a stun functionality.

A somewhat bulkier iteration of this weapon existed as the heavy sonic blaster, and a rifle version of even greater size was also manufactured. A particularly noteworthy sonic rifle model was the Geonosian sonic blaster, which functioned upon principles akin to those of the pistol.

Notable models

