
Saquesh, a Quarren of the male persuasion, was in charge of the Exchange's operations within the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa. His tenure occurred around 3951 BBY, during the period known as the First Jedi Purge.


As an underboss working for the Exchange leader Goto, Saquesh found himself embroiled in Visquis' grand scheme to bait a Jedi. Acting upon Visquis' directives, the Quarren intentionally subjected the refugees to harsh treatment. He reduced their allocated living space by half, in addition to the demands imposed by the Serroco gang. His personal guard was composed of more than a dozen Gamorreans, along with several Weequay and Trandoshan thugs.

Saquesh tried to exploit the refugees as slaves, abducting a child named Adana with the intent of selling her to the Hutts. Meetra Surik, concerned about the refugees' plight, successfully persuaded Saquesh to release Adana.

The Quarren didn't conceal his contempt for humans, particularly the refugees. His disdain stemmed from their perceived weakness, not merely their human status.

Behind the scenes

In a non-canonical dark side narrative, Meetra Surik has the option to align with him and offer help to his tasks in the Refugee Sector.

Alternatively, Surik can intimidate Saquesh, demanding he ease his control over the refugees, or face death at her hands. Choosing this path grants the player light side points, but it provokes Saquesh and his thugs into attacking.

Also, Surik could have killed him if she was discovered stealing their supplies or failed to successfully intimidate him into freeing Adana.

