Adana was a Human female refugee residing on Nar Shaddaa in 3951 BBY. Nar Shaddaa is a moon orbiting the planet Nal Hutta, and Adana lived there in the Refugee Sector with her mother, Nadaa. Both Adana and Nadaa were displaced persons, victims of the Jedi Civil War and the Mandalorian Wars. During this time, the Exchange, a criminal syndicate, kidnapped Adana under the orders of Saquesh, the Quarren overseer of the sector. While visiting the Refugee Sector, Meetra Surik, a former Jedi Knight, encountered Nadaa, who desperately pleaded for Surik's help in rescuing her daughter. Surik confronted Saquesh, attempting to use intimidation to secure Adana's release. When this failed, Surik was compelled to slay Saquesh and his guards to liberate Adana from her prison. Overjoyed by her freedom, Adana returned to her mother. Nadaa was overwhelmed with happiness at her daughter's return and expressed her profound gratitude to Surik.
In the year 3951 BBY, Nadaa and her Human female daughter, Adana, existed as refugees within the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa. Nar Shaddaa, a moon of the planet Nal Hutta, was entirely covered by a single vast city. The Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War had made Adana and Nadaa refugees. Sometime during this time, Adana was abducted by Saquesh, a Quarren and the Exchange crime boss who was the sector's overseer. Because Nadaa couldn't pay Saquesh a tribute of 600 credits, Saquesh seized Adana with the intention of selling her to the Hutts to recover the debt.
While searching for Zez-Kai Ell, a Jedi Master, on the moon, Meetra Surik, formerly a Jedi Knight, spoke with Adana's mother, Nadaa. Nadaa revealed that the Exchange held Adana captive, begging Surik for assistance. Agreeing to help, Surik went to confront Saquesh. Surik tried to use intimidation to convince Saquesh to release Adana, but Saquesh resisted and launched an immediate attack. The former Jedi Knight slew the Quarren, along with his guards, and freed Adana from her cell. Adana expressed her gratitude to her rescuer before hurrying to reunite with her mother. Surik then returned to Nadaa, who profusely thanked her for her assistance.
Adana possessed a sarcastic nature and readily directed verbal abuse at those she believed to be Saquesh's underlings. She harbored a deep resentment for her captor, Saquesh, and desired to see him physically harmed. Although she loved her mother and longed to be reunited with her, she also entertained the notion that being sold into slavery might not be so terrible. She felt that any place would be preferable to living in the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa.
Adana is featured as a non-player character in the 2004 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. As a reward for her rescue, the player receives a randomly generated weapon or armor upgrade component. The game provides two additional methods for rescuing Adana: using Force persuasion on Saquesh or settling the debt. Alternatively, the player can persuade Nadaa to offer herself to Saquesh to be with her daughter, resulting in dark side points. Furthermore, the player has the option to convince Saquesh to sell Adana immediately, which also yields dark side points. Should this path be chosen, Hussef, the refugee leader, later remarks that Nadaa descended into madness and disappeared.