
Nadaa, a Human female refugee, resided in the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa, a moon orbiting the planet Nal Hutta, with her daughter, Adana, in 3951 BBY. At this time, Saquesh, a crime boss from the local Exchange syndicate, kidnapped her daughter because Nadaa was in debt to the Exchange for 600 credits. Meetra Surik, a former Jedi Knight, encountered Nadaa during a visit to the moon and offered assistance in rescuing her daughter. Surik's negotiations with Saquesh proved unsuccessful, leading her to kill him in order to free Adana. Subsequently, Nadaa expressed immense gratitude.


Adana, Nadaa's daughter

Towards the conclusion of the Dark Wars in 3951 BBY, Nadaa, a Human female refugee, and her daughter, Adana, made their home in the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa, which is the moon of Nal Hutta. During this time, the Exchange organization's regional leader, Saquesh, a Quarren crime boss, took Adana captive, demanding 600 credits from Nadaa as payment to the Exchange. Saquesh intended to sell Adana to the Hutts in order to settle the outstanding debt.

While on the moon searching for Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, Meetra Surik, previously a Jedi Knight, met with Nadaa. Nadaa pleaded with Surik to assist in recovering her daughter from the Exchange's grasp. Surik consented to help Nadaa in the rescue of Adana and proceeded to confront Saquesh. Surik's attempts to coerce Saquesh into releasing Adana were unsuccessful, and Saquesh launched an immediate assault on Surik. The former Jedi Knight killed the Quarren along with his guards and freed Adana from her [cell](/article/prison-legends]. Upon returning to Nadaa, Surik was met with profuse expressions of gratitude for her assistance.

Personality and traits

Nadaa harbored profound love for her daughter, Adana, and desperately sought the intervention of Saquesh's subordinates to secure her release. Upon Surik's offer of assistance, Nadaa remained apprehensive about the possibility of Saquesh reclaiming her daughter. She displayed overwhelming gratitude when Surik successfully reunited her with Adana. Nadaa possessed blue eyes and blonde hair styled in a ponytail.


Nadaa was attired in tan-colored robes paired with a brown undershirt and a set of boots.

Behind the scenes

Nadaa makes an appearance in the 2004 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, which was developed by Obsidian Entertainment. The player is presented with the option to persuade Nadaa to offer herself to Saquesh to remain with her daughter, which results in the acquisition of dark side points. Alternatively, it is possible for Adana to be sold into slavery if the player instructs Saquesh to expedite her sale, also leading to dark side points. Should this course of action be pursued, Hussef, the leader of the refugees, will subsequently note that Nadaa descended into madness and disappeared. The reference book from 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, confirms that Surik did indeed assist Nadaa while on Nar Shaddaa, thereby establishing the light side option within the game as canonical within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

