Refugee Sector

The Refugee Sector was a designated zone on Nar Shaddaa, an ecumenopolis moon situated in the Outer Rim. This area housed millions of refugees displaced by the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. Constructed primarily from cargo containers and hastily assembled structures, the sector's conditions were appalling. The refugees were subjected to the oppressive rule of both the brutal Serroco gang and the criminal syndicate known as the Exchange. Saquesh, an operative of the Exchange, plotted to crush the refugees' spirits, intending to sell them as slaves to the Hutts on Nal Hutta, the planet located below.

During her search for Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik, arrived on Nar Shaddaa and visited the Refugee Sector. Appalled by the harsh conditions in which the refugees were struggling to survive, she resolved to assist them. Her efforts included curing Geriel of a fatal disease, aiding Nadaa in rescuing her daughter Adana, securing employment for Odis as a pilot, facilitating Aaida's escape from the Refugee Sector to reunite with her husband Lootra, assisting Kahranna in finding transport to Telos, and helping Hussef thwart the Exchange and Serroco from further oppressing the refugees. While the refugees continued to live in poverty, their situation improved significantly due to her actions. Consequently, the Exile became a figure of notoriety within the Exchange. While present in the Refugee Sector, the Exile was informed by a pair of Twi'leks about the true nature of her companion, Atton Rand. After Atton disclosed more details about his past, the Exile agreed to begin training Atton as a Jedi Sentinel.

Behind the scenes

Alternatively, if the player aligns with the dark side, the Exile can choose to further assist the Exchange in breaking the will of the Refugees.

