Lootra, originating from Telos IV, was a male Human. In 3958 BBY, during the Sith's bombing of that planet, he was separated from his spouse, Aaida. After the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, Lootra journeyed to Nar Shaddaa, seeking Aaida, his missing wife. He had nearly lost all hope of locating her on Nar Shaddaa, which represented his final chance. Meetra Surik, the Jedi Exile, encountered Lootra and extended an offer of assistance. Surik liberated Aaida and several other individuals from the Refugee Sector, where they were being subjugated by the Exchange, leading to the couple's reunion.
Interacting with Lootra through dialogue initiates the "Intergalactic Reunification" quest, presenting the player with the decision to reunite him with Aaida. Completing the quest through dialogue will result in gaining influence with your crew. If Kreia is present within your party, and you express excessive kindness towards the couple, Kreia will voice her opinion regarding your perceived weakness. Conversely, if you advise them to assist others in the same manner they were helped, Kreia will instead be impressed by your ability to inspire them to aid others, granting you influence and light side points. Surik's reward from him is a random component useful for constructing a lightsaber. If Surik has already assembled her initial lightsaber, Lootra will instead compensate Surik with a lightsaber, its type and color determined randomly.
As an alternative, utilizing the Force or persuasion, the player can convince Lootra to abandon his search for Aaida.