The Serroco syndicate, found on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, consisted of a scattered group of former soldiers from the Mandalorian Wars. During this conflict, the Mandalorians brought destruction to the planet of Serroco. This group became a significant problem for those living in the Refugee Sector and even caused problems for the Exchange. Meetra Surik, the Jedi Exile, made contact with the leader of the gang and engaged in negotiations. Ultimately, the Exile managed to convince him to end the gang's oppression of the refugees.
The Serocco typically wear similar light or medium armor, creating a unified look, and are equipped with a variety of laser weapons and melee weapons. Because each member has combat training, the Serroco gang is known as one of the three most powerful groups in the Refugee sector; even the Exchange is careful when dealing with them.
In some playthroughs, the Exile eliminates the Serroco gang, thus freeing the refugees from their control. This is considered the dark side choice, but there is also an option to goad them into attacking. If they attack first, the Exile can kill them without gaining dark side points because it is considered self-defense.
The Serroco campaign was a conflict between the Mandalorians and the Republic. Since Mandalorian veterans of the campaign would have displayed the fierce martial identity and culture of that people, it can be safely assumed the gang's members are all Republic veterans. This makes their antagonism toward the general run of refugees especially ironic, as more than one has dialogue that indicates they are Republic war veterans themselves. The Exile can discuss with the gang's leader a strategy to remove the Exchange from the Refugee Sector. Initially, he will be intrigued, but regardless of the specific plan the Exile suggests, he will dismiss it, causing the entire gang to become hostile towards the Exile.