Kadron was a male Human, according to legends, who held the rank of captain within the Onderonian military. He was stationed as the chief of security for the Royal Palace, located in Iziz, the capital city of Onderon. In this role, he commanded the Royalist troops tasked with safeguarding Queen Talia from her cousin, General Vaklu. Vaklu, supported by Sith forces, launched a coup d'etat aimed at overthrowing the Queen and leading Onderon's secession from the Republic.
Upon Meetra Surik's arrival on Onderon, answering Kavar's call for aid which was conveyed by the Mandalorians under Mandalore Canderous Ordo, she ultimately battled her way past Vaklu's loyalists along the Sky Ramp. She then gained entry to the Palace and joined forces with Captain Kadron inside. He asked Surik to counteract the activities of a slicer, hired by Vaklu, who was compromising the Palace's security systems to prevent Royalist reinforcements from arriving.