Unidentified Iziz cantina

A cantina could be found in the Western Square of Iziz, which served as the capital city for the planet Onderon.

Before the Onderon Civil War, Dhagon Ghent and his companions frequently visited the Cantina in Iziz, a location that featured a swoop track situated beneath the urban landscape. After Captain Sullio was shot as he exited the cantina, Ghent was unjustly accused of the crime and promptly taken into custody. Meetra Surik and Mandalore Canderous Ordo, a friend of Ghent's, came to the cantina and, through the assistance of a Beast Rider by the name of Panar, a slicer known as Kiph, and Nikko, another of Ghent's friends, they successfully demonstrated Ghent's innocence.

While present in the cantina, the Exile provided one of her starport visas to a Republic spy named Xaart, even though Gormo and Sakarie, two other patrons, had also requested a visa. Later on, a Beast Rider identified as Bakkel launched an attack on the Exile when she requested one of her holodiscs to be given to Ghent. Subsequently, with Ghent's help, the Exile arranged a meeting with Jedi Master Kavar, but during this rendezvous, Colonel Tobin made an attempt to apprehend them. Kavar used the force to stun Tobin's men and then escaped to the Iziz Royal Palace, while the Exile was forced to battle her way through the Western Square and the Merchant Quarter, before finally arriving at the Iziz Starport, from which the Exile then fled back to Dxun.

Behind the scenes

The Iziz Cantina made its initial appearance in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Despite the fact that the cantina lacks a specific name, it is still considered canonical.

