
Bakkel, a Human Beast Rider of female gender, met her end at the hands of Meetra Surik in Iziz on the planet Onderon. This occurred as Surik was attempting to retrieve holodiscs sought for Dhagon Ghent. Bakkel's refusal to surrender the holodiscs to Surik, coupled with her aggression, compelled Surik to eliminate her along with her fellow Beast Riders. Bakkel, together with her comrades, frequented the Beast Riders' Den situated within the western cantina.


Prior to the outbreak of the Onderon Civil War, Bakkel and her group of Beast Riders had been active within Iziz for a number of months. Following the arrest of physician Dhagon Ghent in connection with the death of Guard Captain Sullio, Bakkel and her crew raided Ghent's place of work. Their plunder included encrypted holodisks which contained the necessary protocol for contacting his political allies within the Royal Palace, among other items. Once Ghent was freed, Meetra Surik asked for his assistance in getting in touch with Jedi Master Kavar, who was then living in the Royal Palace as an advisor to Queen Talia. Ghent explained that he was unable to get in touch with his connections without the holodisks that Bakkel had stolen. Surik encountered Bakkel at the Iziz Cantina and attempted to persuade her to give back the holodisks. However, Bakkel became hostile, launching an attack on Surik and her associates. In the ensuing conflict, Bakkel and her entire gang were slain, allowing Surik to return the holodisks to Ghent.

