
Esok, a Humanoid male, held the position of leader within a Mandalorian clan. This clan journeyed to Dantooine with the intention of establishing a livelihood.


Esok, as the leader of his clan, established a settlement for himself and his people on the Khoonda plains of Dantooine. This occurred after the commencement of the Mandalorian Wars, as they sought to make a living. During their time there, he and his warriors allied themselves with a company of war veterans commanded by the mercenary known as Azkul.

Upon Meetra Surik's guidance of Mandalore the Preserver to Azkul's camp located on Dantooine, near the ancient ruins housing the Star Map, Esok declined to heed the call to Dxun, the designated location for the Mandalorian regrouping. Instead, he made an attempt to seize his helmet, with the goal of proclaiming himself Mandalore. Nevertheless, the newly appointed Mandalore demonstrated superior strength, resulting in Esok's death during the confrontation. Following this demonstration, Esok's soldiers consented to follow Mandalore.

