The Mandalorian Outpost on Dxun served as the central base of operations for the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders during the Mandalorian Wars. This extensive complex was constructed within the perilous jungles located on the moon of Onderon.
In 3996 BBY, the leader of the Mandalorian Clans, Mandalore the Indomitable, met his end at the claws of Drexl beasts during the Fourth Battle of Onderon at the conclusion of the Great Sith War. While searching Dxun's wildlands for his body, a Mandalorian Crusader located and took possession of the famed Mandalore's Mask. This Crusader would eventually rise to become Mandalore the Ultimate.
The new Mandalore declared Dxun as Mandalorian territory and transformed it into a fortified headquarters for a renewed campaign of conquest. By 3976 BBY, Mandalore had reorganized his warriors into the Neo-Crusaders and initiated the conquest of independent worlds, preparing for a full-scale invasion of the Galactic Republic. Throughout the Mandalorian Wars, Mandalore utilized his Dxun base as the central command for his fleets as they fought Republic forces along the Outer Rim.
As the war neared its end, Republic forces, led by the Jedi Revan, managed to push the Neo-Crusader invaders back to their Dxun point of origin. Revan then ordered an assault on the heavily defended moon. Decades of occupation had allowed the Mandalorians to establish strong defenses, including hidden mines, traps, anti-aircraft weaponry, and the dangerous native creatures. Consequently, the battle became one of the most brutal engagements of the entire conflict. The Mandalorians fiercely resisted, and it took the Republic several months to dislodge them from their fortified positions.
Towards the battle's conclusion, the Mandalorians evacuated their headquarters, leaving only a small number of volunteers to guard its perimeter. Ultimately, the Neo-Crusaders were defeated in both the battle and the war, but their spirit remained unbroken. Following the Jedi Civil War, the experienced warrior Canderous Ordo assumed the title of Mandalore and began the process of unifying the scattered Mandalorian Clans. Shortly after, Mandalorian forces returned to the headquarters they had abandoned a decade prior. In that isolated location, they commenced recruiting, rebuilding, and preparing for future conflicts.
The symbol used by Canderous's Mandalorians shares similarities with both the emblem of the Infinite Empire and that of the Star Forge.