A Togruta Jedi is shown here using a form of Moving Meditation
Moving Meditation represented a Jedi meditative practice. This involved entering a meditative state while engaged in the repair or construction of mechanical devices, or by simply concentrating intently on an object in motion.

The Jedi Exile acquired the skill of Moving Meditation as she worked to enhance the operational status of her utility droid, T3-M4. T3-M4 had sustained significant damage to its frame and experienced substantial program loss within its behavior core during the Jedi Civil War. Bao-Dur, a Zabrak and former military engineer who accompanied her, might have also utilized this method, potentially even before receiving training in the Force, as he seemed to achieve tranquility only through acts of repair. Other Jedi who are known to have embraced this specific form of meditation encompass Anakin Skywalker and Aayla Secura, along with the possibility of Cay Qel-Droma. After the loss of his left arm during the Beast Wars, Cay employed his exceptional abilities to fashion a "superior fighting" replacement, concentrating on the appendage taken from an old XT-6 droid to alleviate pain and recover his strength. Anakin would frequently engage in this type of meditation as a way to dispel troubling thoughts and illusions. A further noteworthy illustration of moving meditation can be seen with Galen Marek as he repaired the broken lightsaber pike belonging to Kazdan Paratus.