Janice Nall

Janice Nall, a Twi'lek female, operated a droid shop on the upper levels of Taris during the era of the Jedi Civil War. The droid business she owned experienced difficulties due to the confiscation of her combat droids by the Sith authorities who were occupying the planet in 3956 BBY, along with the bigoted attitudes held by the Human aristocracy present on Taris.


While the Sith Empire held control of Taris in 3956 BBY, Janice Nall had a significant portion of her droid inventory seized by the Sith forces. She believed the Sith acted either out of fear that insurgents might acquire the droids to use against them, or because they wanted the droids for their own purposes. As a result, when Revan, the former Sith Lord, and his companions visited her establishment, she only had two utility droids available—both of which were T3-series models.

Revan proceeded to purchase the less expensive of the two, known as T3-H8. This particular droid, which suffered from faulty wiring, had recently undergone repairs that proved to be insufficient, as it exploded shortly after leaving the shop with Revan. Revan, displeased with the outcome, received a full refund of 50 credits, consistent with Nall's store policy.

T3-M4, the significantly more valuable droid, had been extensively modified to provide unmatched expertise in security slicing and was originally commissioned by Davik Kang, a crime lord within the Exchange. When Revan arrived to acquire the droid, he misled Nall by suggesting he was picking it up on Kang's behalf. Unbeknownst to Nall, Canderous Ordo, the Mandalorian mercenary who had arranged the order, had secretly collaborated with Revan and his allies to utilize the droid to infiltrate the Sith military base and obtain the launch codes required to bypass the Sith blockade.

Personality and traits

Janice Nall, as a Twi'lek residing in the Upper City of Taris, had grown accustomed to the pervasive prejudice against non-humans present within the upper echelons of Tarisian society. Due to this speciesism, Nall was compelled to exert additional effort to ensure the success of her business. She was deeply committed to challenging the societal expectations that Twi'lek women should be nothing more than sexualized dancers, let alone mechanics or business owners. Indeed, she was both diligent and dedicated to her work, fueled in part by her profound affection for droids. In her view, droids lacked the critical flaws that were widespread among all species of sentient beings. She was convinced that no droid would ever crave violence as sentients did, and that there was no such thing as a droid inherently evil, only those misused by unethical owners. The discrimination she faced discouraged her from socializing with the local population, and she found herself preferring the companionship of her droids.

Regarding the dueling ring managed by Ajuur within the Upper City Cantina, Nall felt repulsed by the idea of bloodshed for mere entertainment. Furthermore, she held a strong disdain for swoop gangs, viewing them as nothing more than thugs who spread chaos throughout the Lower City. Despite this, she found the Hidden Beks to be somewhat acceptable, and had occasionally sold droids to them.

Skills and abilities

Janice Nall was a skilled droid technician, possessing the necessary expertise to manage a reasonably prosperous droid business, even in a city where discrimination against non-humans was commonplace. Her reputation was significant enough to attract the attention of the Exchange, who entrusted her with the task of providing a top-tier security hacking droid. However, her abilities proved insufficient in the reconditioning of the T3-H8 unit, which remained defective and prone to self-destruction even after she had performed repairs.

Behind the scenes

Janice Nall made her initial appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare.

