The Taris dueling ring functioned as a sanctioned arena for duels (specifically, stun duels) on the planet of Taris. Both visitors and inhabitants could participate in combat, utilizing their chosen weaponry to vie for credits and recognition. This arena proved to be a lucrative commercial endeavor in the years preceding and during the Jedi Civil War, offering both spectator opportunities and gambling options. During this period, Ajuur the Hutt held ownership, and notable duelists such as Bendak Starkiller, Ice, Twitch, and Revan were featured. Patrons purchased tickets to observe the contests, and wagering on the outcomes provided a means to reward victorious duelists and generate additional revenue for the management. However, in 3956 BBY, much of Taris was obliterated by orbital bombardment. Despite this destruction, an arena operated on Taris during the Galactic Civil War following the reconstruction of the Upper City.
The Taris dueling ring, situated within the cantina of the Tarisian Upper City, served as a combat arena where residents of the ecumenopolis Taris engaged in duels to acquire credits. Ajuur, a Hutt crime lord with connections to Davik Kang, a significant figure in the Exchange crime syndicate, owned and managed the dueling ring. Ajuur personally organized the matches, often seeking pairings that would maximize spectator interest. While entertainment was its primary function, duelists considered dueling a legitimate sport.

Each contest involved only two duelists who fought until one lost consciousness. Duelists could employ any weapon they chose. Some combatants utilized blasters, blaster rifles, and even grenades. Others, like Marl, favored vibroblades and vibroswords. Duelists were permitted to wear armor and use aids such as medpacs and stimulants. Despite the use of potentially lethal weapons, the likelihood of death was minimal. Energy suppression fields enveloped the arena, specifically the ring itself. These fields, while still allowing for pain, ensured that competitors were only rendered unconscious rather than killed. Medical droids were available on-site to address serious injuries. However, sanctioned death matches had previously been allowed. These matches were prohibited by the Sith upon their occupation of Taris.

Spectators who purchased tickets could watch the matches live within the arena venue. Ajuur sold tickets in the cantina area. Due to limited seating, not all interested spectators could gain entry. In the cantina area adjacent to the arena, viewscreens were set up for additional spectators to watch the fights without tickets. Monitors were also placed in other parts of the cantina. Gambling on the duels was permitted, if not actively promoted, and contributed significantly to the business's revenue. Ajuur managed all wagers placed on the fights.
The precise amount of credits awarded to a victor varied based on the contest. Under Ajuur's management, the standard prize consisted of 10% of the total wager profits. Winning duelists received direct payment, while losing duelists received no compensation. Since the reward was tied to gambling, a match that attracted more interest and wagers resulted in a larger payout for the winner.
The Taris dueling ring was known to be in operation since the period following the Great Sith War. As time passed, it began to showcase prominent fighters like Bendak Starkiller, who claimed to have never been defeated in a death match. Starkiller retired after the Sith Empire seized control of Taris and outlawed death matches. The number of duelists declined during the Jedi Civil War. Following the destruction of the Endar Spire, Darth Malak's ships blockaded Taris, preventing all interstellar travel. This impacted the dueling ring, along with other establishments on Taris, as potential competitors were unable to reach the planet. Nevertheless, some duelists continued to actively compete. In 3956 BBY, Revan and Carth Onasi crash-landed on Taris, and Revan competed as a duelist under the alias Mysterious Stranger. The Mysterious Stranger defeated all of Taris's competing duelists, including Marl, Ice, and the reigning champion, Twitch, a Rodian. Revan's reputation as the new champion even reached the Lower City.
As Revan and his group fled Taris, the Sith devastated the planet via orbital bombardment. Carth Onasi once remarked that "no building over two stories was left standing" on Taris. By 3 ABY, significant portions of the Upper City had been rebuilt, and a dueling ring was once again operational in the restored city. A Gungan named Twitch served as its champion.
The Taris dueling ring made its debut in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Players, controlling Revan, can choose to participate in the dueling ring, although it is not mandatory for completing the game. After defeating all active duelists, players can opt to fight the retired Bendak Starkiller in an illegal death match. However, accepting Bendak's challenge results in the player gaining dark side points, and Revan is canonically aligned with the light side.