
In the era following the Jedi Civil War, a Hutt named Vogga commanded a criminal empire on Nar Shaddaa, the moon of Nal Hutta. His operations heavily relied on the transportation of fuel from Sleheyron, a planet that became the primary fuel source in that region of the galaxy after Peragus II was destroyed.

However, Vogga faced opposition from Goto, the leader of the Exchange, a criminal syndicate also based on Nar Shaddaa. Goto systematically intercepted Vogga's fuel shipments, effectively halting his trade. Despite Vogga's numerous attempts to eliminate Goto by hiring bounty hunters, Goto remained elusive and never appeared publicly.

During 3951 BBY, Vogga encountered Meetra Surik, an exiled Jedi. Vogga offered to supply fuel to Citadel Station, the central hub for the Project aimed at revitalizing the dying world of Telos, on the condition that Surik would prevent Goto from continuing to seize his fuel freighters.


Vogga was a Hutt crime boss and entrepreneur who made his home on Nar Shaddaa, the moon of Nal Hutta. Vogga's enterprise was largely based around the shipment of fuel from Sleheyron, which became the region's primary source of fuel in the galaxy after the destruction of Peragus II.

As time passed, Vogga's shipments began to be hijacked by the enigmatic Goto, one of the leaders of the criminal Exchange. Vogga's dock manager, Fassa, was compelled to hold Vogga's freighters on Nar Shaddaa, which further crippled his business.

The motives of "Goto", otherwise known as G0-T0, were straightforward: he believed that any dealings with the Hutts would lead to the bankruptcy of the Galactic Republic. Therefore, he ensured that the Telosian Restoration Project and Citadel Station were dependent on Peragus for their fuel supply. Even after the Peragus Mining Facility was destroyed, G0-T0 continued to disrupt Vogga's operations, believing that the potential destruction of Telos and Citadel Station was a lesser evil than the Republic entering into an agreement with a Hutt.

To eliminate G0-T0's influence, Vogga employed bounty hunters, most notably Hanharr. He also struck a deal with Visquis, Goto's subordinate, promising him increased power on Nar Shaddaa in exchange for luring Goto into a trap.

Eventually, the companions of Meetra Surik capitalized on the conflict between Vogga and Goto. When Meetra was captured by Goto, they altered the Ebon Hawk's identification signature to match that of one of Vogga's freighters. When the ship departed Nar Shaddaa, it was immediately intercepted by Goto's cloaked yacht, which allowed Meetra's allies to rescue her.

Following the destruction of the yacht, Meetra, acting on behalf of Lieutenant Dol Grenn of the Telos Security Force, negotiated an agreement with Vogga. With his business now secured, Vogga agreed to ship Sleheyron fuel for the reconstruction of Telos.

To secure an audience with Vogga, Meetra was compelled to assist Vogga's Twi'lek majordomo by wearing a Huttese slave-girl costume and taking on the role of Vogga's new dancer. Vogga found this highly amusing, but during the dance, he fell asleep, and his kath hounds were sedated with Juma Juice by Meetra, allowing her to escape with Vogga's valuable possessions.

Personality and traits

Vogga harbored intense animosity towards G0-T0 for his repeated hijacking of Vogga's freighters, leading him to hire virtually every bounty hunter he could find to locate and eliminate G0-T0. This hatred appeared to extend to the Exchange in general, whom he likened to a "Hutta fungus." He was deeply irritated by their disregard for the Hutts in their business dealings, viewing them as upstarts challenging "the true lords of Nar Shaddaa."

Like some Hutts, Vogga also possessed a strong attraction to humanoid females, particularly Human and Twi'leks females, and enjoyed watching them dance in revealing attire. However, Vogga was known to fall asleep after watching them dance for a certain period of time. He also owned at least one Twi’lek slave girl.

Behind the scenes

Within the game, there are four distinct quests that involve Vogga:

Meetra can overhear a conversation between two Trandoshan thugs in the cantina (Entertainment Promenade), learning that those who gain easy access to Vogga are those who mention G0-T0 or his elimination.

One can also overhear a conversation between two other thugs in the Nar Shaddaa Docks, discovering how to sneak into Vogga's private 'treasure room' (using a dancer to make Vogga sleep and Juma Juice to sedate the kath hounds).

The player can perform as a dancing girl (by convincing Vogga's majordomo of her skills). This is the first step in accessing Vogga's treasures and/or gaining an audience with him without mentioning G0-T0, but it can be done independently, without hearing the hints from the thugs mentioned above. The player can also perform after negotiating the fuel supply, as it remains the only way to raid the treasure room, and it unlocks the slave outfit.

If playing as a male character, Surik can persuade Brianna or possibly Mira to dance in order to make Vogga fall asleep. The Twi'lek domo might suggest that Visas Marr dance (if she is in your party), but she will refuse outright. You can inquire if Kreia could dance for Vogga, but it would be denied due to her age.

After gaining admission (either by mentioning G0-T0 to the doorguard or by dancing), one can negotiate the fuel supply for Telos. Vogga's only demand is the elimination of G0-T0. Consequently, the sequence of events described above is just one of several possibilities.

