During the time of the First Jedi Purge, Meetra Surik, a Jedi Knight, was compelled to engage in combat with the Sith Lord known as Darth Sion. This confrontation occurred when he launched an assault against her within the Sith Academy located on the planet of Korriban.
Following the tumultuous events of the Jedi Civil War, which brought the Jedi Order to the brink of collapse, Jedi Master Lonna Vash sought refuge on Korriban. Sion, consumed by fury over Kreia's willingness to sacrifice herself for Surik, whom he deemed far weaker than himself, resolved to obliterate everything Kreia held dear, Surik included. The opportunity to confront her arose when she journeyed to Korriban in search of Lonna Vash. Shortly after Surik's arrival, Sion murdered the imprisoned Jedi Master. Accompanied by Mira and another ally, Surik embarked on a quest to locate Master Vash on Korriban, the ancient homeworld of the Sith. Guided telepathically by Kreia through the Valley of the Dark Lords, she made her way into the deserted Sith Academy. Upon Surik's entry into the dilapidated Sith Academy, Sion sensed her presence and sealed the Academy doors behind her, dispatching his assassins to hunt her and her companions. As Surik explored the desolate academy, encountering only tuk'ata and cloaked Sith assassins belonging to the Sith Triumvirate, she discovered Vash's lifeless body within the interrogation chamber. Surik managed to unlock the Academy's entrance, but Sion intervened to prevent their escape, finally confronting her directly. He revealed that he had studied her extensively, familiarizing himself with the paths she had taken in exile. He spoke of knowing her teacher, Kreia, and of the raging fires on Dxun as the Republic crumbled around her. Sion further asserted that she understood war and battle, stating that he knew of Malachor. Sion claimed that Surik knew the meaning of being broken, warning her that Kreia would destroy her as she had destroyed him, and offered to end her suffering at Kreia's hands before it could begin.

Following this exchange, Surik, Mira, and their comrade engaged the Lord of Pain, repeatedly striking him down. However, the Dark Lord utilized the Force to replenish his health, recovering from grievous wounds and continuing the fight. Through the Force, Kreia informed Surik that Sion was not merely a being of flesh and blood, and that victory was unattainable at that moment—not while Korriban held sway over Sion. Surik expressed her gratitude for Kreia's insight, and she, Mira, and their companion fled the Sith Academy.
Having escaped the Academy, Surik, Mira, and their ally were allowed to leave by Sion, who felt a certain respect for her and commanded his assassins not to harm her. He anticipated a future encounter. Soon, Sion began to experience a new emotion towards Surik, beyond mere respect or admiration, an emotion he could not bear. The Sith Lord found her beautiful, but he perceived these feelings as a weakness that would inevitably lead to death. As she continued to occupy his thoughts, Sion's hatred for her intensified. After eluding the trap, Surik came across the long-lost tomb of Ludo Kressh.