Tomb of Ludo Kressh

The final resting place of Ludo Kressh, a Dark Lord of the Sith, was built by enslaved Sith under the control of the Sith Empire. It resides within the Valley of the Dark Lords located on the planet Korriban.


Kressh's Demise

The tomb of Sith Lord Ludo Kressh was prepared within a cave in the upper reaches of the Valley of the Dark Lords in anticipation of his death. Following Kressh's death at the hands of Naga Sadow's forces during the events of the Great Hyperspace War circa 5000 BBY, the Sith Lord's remains were retrieved and placed within the tomb's inner chamber. Shortly thereafter, the Republic inflicted devastating losses on the Sith Empire as Naga Sadow retreated to Yavin 4 and a faction of the Empire escaped to Dromund Kaas. Supreme Chancellor Pultimo of the Republic then commanded the destruction of Korriban, ordering the bombing of the Valley of the Dark Lords. For thousands of years, the tomb remained buried beneath sand and debris, while the spirits of the Sith festered beneath the surface of the ruined world.


Meetra Surik experiences a vision of the Battle of Dxun above the chasm.

During the First Jedi Purge, which occurred five years following the Jedi Civil War, Meetra Surik, a former Jedi Knight, journeyed to Korriban in search of Jedi Master Lonna Vash. Her search led her to the cavern containing the tomb, where she battled through swarms of shyracks and hssiss to reach the crypt via a carved bridge spanning a vast chasm. A terentatek guarded the tomb, which pulsed with dark side energies, and certain areas were cursed to project maddening illusions into the minds of intruders. As Surik explored the caves and the tomb itself, she observed the corpse of the terentatek that Jedi Knight Revan had slain during his mission to save Thalia May from the same caves. Though Revan had been unaware of the tomb's presence, Surik managed to enter it and discovered the remains of several Jedi. Realizing that the Jedi had been driven insane and had killed one another, Surik protected herself from the traps and opened herself to the Force. Inside the antechamber, she experienced a vision of Malak recruiting her and other Jedi to join the Revanchists in the Mandalorian Wars. Surik resisted joining him in the dark side, resulting in an attack from Malak and the Jedi who followed him, including Bastila Shan, whom she quickly defeated. Deeper within the tomb, she was attacked by shyracks before encountering another vision, this time from the Battle of Dxun. In this vision, she encountered soldiers of the Galactic Republic who had served under her command, each informing her of the need to cross a minefield to engage the Mandalorians. Surik herself traversed the minefield and defeated the Mandalorians on the other side. Later, she encountered a vision of Kreia alongside Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, and T3-M4. Inside the burial chamber, she battled a vision of Darth Revan, and after examining Ludo Kressh's sarcophagus, she left the tomb, now more powerful and with a greater understanding of how her decisions had shaped her identity.

Behind the scenes

The Tomb of Ludo Kressh made its initial appearance in the video game titled Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The original concept involved all party members being present during Surik's vision of Kreia, where they would either defeat Kreia or attack Surik based on player choices. Furthermore, at the tomb's conclusion, before Surik confronts the vision of Darth Revan, her doppelgänger was intended to attack her instead of simply fading away. This doppelgänger, while lacking Force abilities, possessed considerable strength and wielded a red double-bladed lightsaber. These elements were ultimately removed from the final game but were later restored through a mod known as The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod.

