Seer'aa was a female Twi'lek assassin, operating as a team with Teer'aa. Initially enslaved on Ryloth, they emancipated themselves by murdering their owners and subsequently became bounty hunters known as the Twin Suns. Their arsenal included lethal blades and personal energy shields.
In 3951 BBY, while Meetra Surik was elsewhere, Atton Rand confronted them in a cantina on Nar Shaddaa, ultimately prevailing. Later, Surik, accompanied by two allies, encountered them on the Visionary where Seer'aa and her partner met their death shortly before the ship's destruction.
Seer'aa and Teer'aa were born on Ryloth and were sold into slavery when they were young. At some point, they murdered their master, marking their entry into the profession of assassins.
Following the Jedi Civil War, the Twin Suns traveled aboard the Visionary alongside several other bounty hunters. Goto tasked them with capturing Meetra Surik alive, explicitly forbidding them from causing her death.
They successfully located Surik's associate, Atton Rand, while Surik was within the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Initially, they attempted a peaceful persuasion for Atton to join them, but soon resorted to violence. Atton overcame them and escaped. This initial defeat fueled their anger, prompting their return to the Visionary, where they lay in wait for Surik and her companions. Their opportunity arose as the ship began to disintegrate. They attempted to assassinate Surik, but she and her two companions instead killed them. The explosion of the Visionary resulted in the destruction of their bodies.
Seer'aa and Teer'aa made an appearance, albeit without explicit names, within the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Their names were subsequently revealed by Leland Chee.
Should Atton board Goto's vessel to rescue the Exile, he expresses his displeasure upon seeing Seer'aa and her partner, promising to keep them incapacitated during the ensuing conflict.