Onderonian Space Force

The Onderonian navy, referred to as the Onderon Space Force in Iziz News reports, functioned as a substantial defensive armada for Onderon and operated as a branch of the broader Onderonian military. This fleet incorporated both Foray-class blockade runners and Aurek-class tactical strikefighters. Following the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War, General Vaklu, the supreme commander of Onderon, deployed the navy to enact a self-imposed planetary blockade. This involved scrutinizing all incoming vessels for "Republic dissidents", with the intention of exerting economic strain on Queen Talia to encourage her to consider secession.

The blockade, along with the drawn-out inspection of each incoming spacecraft, led to an extensive queue for entry into the Iziz Starport, fostering a highly charged environment and disrupting the schedules of commercial shipping. The Onderonian naval forces briefly engaged in combat with a group of commercial vessels awaiting permission to land, after the navy attempted to destroy the Ebon Hawk, a Jedi transport, triggering the anxious freighter fleet to believe they were under attack. The merchant ships retaliated, resulting in the Onderonian navy sustaining losses of several starfighters and potential damage to some of its larger warships before a ceasefire was achieved.

It is probable that the navy experienced internal divisions in allegiance, mirroring the ground forces of Onderon during the Onderon Civil War; however, specific details regarding the navy's involvement in the war remain undocumented.

