4200 BBY

The following occurrences happen around the year 4200 BBY.


  • On Nyssa, the Mecrosa Order sees its inception, established by Viscountess Mireya. Over the subsequent two centuries, the order becomes tainted by Sith doctrines, supposedly through Mireya's own actions. (Approximate date) [6]
  • Tatooine experiences its initial settlement by individuals from other worlds. Miners create a settlement which later evolves into Anchorhead . [7]
  • Argazda petitions for acceptance into the Republic. (Approximate date) [8]
  • The Hapes Cluster transforms into a sanctuary for the Lorell Raiders , a band of pirates that will harass the Perlemian Trade Route for many years. (Approximate date) [8]
  • Pilgrims originating from Ator establish a colony on the planet Arkanis . (Approximate date) [8]


Footnotes and references
