Obulette shipyards

Obulette shipyards, also known as Obulette dockyards, functioned as a space-based starship maintenance and refurbishment center. This facility orbited the planet Obulette, located within the Tapani sector. Obulette served as the primary world for the noble House Mecetti.


Access to the dockyards was generally available, with the notable exception of vessels belonging to House Melantha and House Pelagia; these houses were explicitly barred from utilizing the repair services. While all other house allegiances were permitted, the cost of services fluctuated based on the prevailing political climate and alliances. These shipyards provided a different option from the shipyards situated on Tallaan. The Fondor Shipyards, found in the Freeworlds Territory, represented another significant shipbuilding and repair hub within the Tapani sector.


  • Player's Guide to Tapani
  • Lords of the Expanse
