
Tallaan, a planet situated within the Freeworlds Territory of the Tapani sector, stood at the convergence point of the Giju Run, Procopian Shipping Lane, and Shapani Bypass. It was most famous for the production of starships.

Tallaan held a membership position in the League of Tapani Freeworlds.


The inhabitants of Tallaan possessed a fiercely independent spirit, extending, at best, polite courtesy to neighboring nobles and individuals with inherited titles. They also resented any implication that their world's prosperity stemmed solely from its strategic location along major shipping lanes, preferring to attribute their success to the strong work ethic of their people.

Tallaan hosted a significant transient population, residing on the planet for portions of the year to oversee trade and manage cargo transfers. The planet also boasted a substantial alien population, with numerous enclaves where aliens congregated to live amongst their own kind. This diversity enriched Tallaan's vibrant culture, making it an excellent destination for immersive experiences, such as indulging in Herglic cuisine.


The governing body of Tallaan was the Trade Commission, a council that selected one of its members to serve as First Executive, leading the planet. While the council members were theoretically representatives of their electorate, they primarily focused their efforts on addressing the needs of the various corporate entities within their respective communities. The Ministry of Orbital Commerce held widespread recognition as the most influential administration on Tallaan, overseeing the orbital stations, shipyards, and the countless financial transactions associated with them daily, including the significant portion of Tallaan's dockyards leased by the Thyferran government for inspecting transported bacta, an activity prohibited within Thyferran space by law.


Given its status as the most powerful and strategically vital system within the Freeworlds Territory, Tallaan maintained the largest planetary military in the sector, and it also possessed one of the largest planetary navies throughout the entire Colonies Region. Tallaan was the primary contributor of vessels and personnel to the Freeworlds Common Navy. During the peak of the New Order, this force consisted of twelve Tapani-class assault frigates and two Tapani-class carriers, each equipped with a standard complement of 40 Manta-class assault starfighters. Supporting these capital ships were numerous smaller vessels, including Carrack-class light cruisers and corvettes. Its starfighter complement also included TIE/LN starfighters, GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats, Z-95 Headhunters, and BTL Y-wing starfighters.


Tallaan's economy was largely driven by trade, due to its location at the intersection of several crucial hyperlanes. It stood as the most bustling trading hub in the sector. In addition to trade, Tallaan also boasted significant mid- and high-tech industries. The planet was home to several prominent starship manufacturing companies (including the Tapani Starship Cooperative), as well as firms that produced vehicles such as tractors, transports, and repulsorlift vehicles like speeders. Due to Tallaan's ability to acquire raw ore at extremely low costs, its manufactured goods could be sold at prices significantly below galactic standards. While there were more established and superior brands available, Tallaani vehicles were popular in the Colonies and Inner Rim due to their affordability and respectable quality.


Throughout the centuries of Republic governance, Tallaan served as a major producer of starships, maintaining its production capabilities even during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Although the Empire and the Tallaan government collaborated to maintain system security, this arrangement was unpopular among Tallaan patriots.

Following the destruction of the first Death Star in 0 ABY, the New Order Progressive reported that Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and his staff perished in a shuttle accident at the Tallaani Shipyards located there, rather than above Yavin.

Tallaan also served as the base of operations for the 1st Tapani Assault Battlegroup.

The Yuuzhan Vong did not attack the planet during their invasion, and after the Battle of Coruscant, New Republic Admiral Garm Bel Iblis established his headquarters there, safeguarding the sector while operating independently until a pivotal engagement at Ebaq 9.

Vessels originating from Tallaan participated in various conflicts leading up to the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, particularly around the time of the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.

In 40 ABY, Tallaan was engaged in the development and manufacturing of warships for the Bothan government, intended for use in the Confederation's war against the Galactic Alliance. As the war progressed, Tallaan, along with the rest of the Tapani Sector, aligned itself with the Confederation.

