League of Tapani Freeworlds

The League of Tapani Freeworlds represented a loosely organized coalition of independent Freeworlds situated within the Tapani sector. Its primary objective was to enable collaborative efforts among these worlds, specifically in areas like establishing unified tariff systems, developing a joint defense plan, and collaborating on high-level agreements designed to safeguard and further the interests of the Freeworlds. This league comprised delegates from each freeworld; however, only the five most significant worlds – Aleron, Lamuir IV, Mrlsst, Neona, and Tallaan – possessed voting rights within the organization.

The League of Tapani Freeworlds focused solely on overarching governmental matters, including the formulation of economic strategies, provision of regional defense via the Freeworlds Common Navy, and the negotiation of agreements with external entities. Other governmental duties, like enacting and implementing laws, along with tax collection, were handled at the individual planetary level. Each world chose its own leaders and highly prized its autonomy. However, their independence was, in practice, constrained by the substantial influence wielded by mining corporations across much of the region.

Tallaan served as the location for the League's main offices, with additional executive offices situated on Mrlsst and Neona. Furthermore, the League maintained representative offices on important Imperial worlds, including Thyferra and Coruscant.


  • Player's Guide to Tapani
  • Lords of the Expanse
