Freeworlds Common Navy officer The Freeworlds Common Navy served as the military force tasked with protecting the Freeworlds Territory within the Tapani sector. At the height of the New Order's power, it was composed of both Tapani-class assault frigates and Tapani-class carriers, each carrying the standard number of 40 Manta-class assault starfighters. To bolster these capital ships, they had a number of smaller vessels such as Carrack-class light cruisers and Corvettes. Their starfighter squadrons were made up of TIE/LN starfighters, GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats, Z-95 Headhunters, and BTL Y-wing starfighters as well.
This fleet, funded via the League of Tapani Freeworlds by the five main planets of the Freeworlds, was in charge of patrolling the strategically important Shapani Bypass to ensure an uninterrupted supply of bacta from Thyferra. The Navy worked to augment the forces stationed there by the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, and New Republic, and to keep the House Guard of the Tapani Noble Houses out of the Freeworlds.