The Tapani-class Assault Frigate served as the chief capital ship within the Tapani sector, utilized by both the noble houses and the Freeworlds alike.
This ship possessed a sleek, oval-shaped hull, complemented by two stabilizer fins projecting from the lower rear section. Additionally, a smaller stabilizer fin resided on the upper surface, situated near the vessel's midpoint. Propulsion was achieved through four substantial ion engines arranged in a diamond configuration at the rear.
The Tapani Starship Cooperative, operating from the Tallaan shipyards, produced the Tapani-class Assault Frigate. However, only the primary hull represented an original creation. Other components, encompassing the engines, armaments, and electronic matrix, were acquired from diverse external suppliers. While this approach led to elevated overall expenses and complicated spare parts acquisition, it likely represented the sole means by which a relatively small enterprise could fabricate such a complex warship.
Typically, each frigate displayed the crest of its owning house or other relevant emblems on its hull, and most were christened after planets or urban centers.
A new Tapani-class Assault Frigate carried a price tag of 1.6 billion credits.