Tapani-class carrier

The Tapani-class carrier, a substantial starfighter carrier, saw service within the Tapani sector. The Tapani Starship Cooperative produced this vessel, specifically engineered to deploy Manta-class starfighters directly into intense space battles.

This carrier featured an elongated, level upper surface designed for the storage of twenty Manta-class starfighters, secured via their magnetic clamps. Furthermore, each lateral side could hold an additional ten fighters, resulting in a total fighter capacity of forty Manta-class starfighters. Situated at the rear of the ship, a raised tower above the docking platform contained service bays for starfighter upkeep and the command center.

The Tapani-class carrier possessed rapid sublight engines paired with reasonable handling. While its hull provided limited armor, powerful shield generators offered a level of defense on par with comparable starships of its type.

Its offensive capabilities were adequate, comprising six turret-mounted turbolaser emplacements and ten ion cannon installations positioned along the ship's lower hull. These carriers were invariably accompanied by support vessels, such as the Tapani-class assault frigate.

Not factoring in the price of the Manta-class starfighters (at 95,000 credits apiece), a new one of these carriers would set you back 760 million credits.

