Darth Vurik was a Sith Lord of the male persuasion, serving within Darth Krayt's One Sith during the time of the Second Imperial Civil War, under the banner of the Dark Lord of the Sith. In the year 132 ABY, Krayt sent Vurik to the planet of Nyriaan to investigate whispers regarding the Sith Interdictor-class cruiser known as the Dying Sun, dating all the way back to the days of the Jedi Civil War. Upon his arrival on Nyriaan and the discovery of a Sith settlement, Vurik found himself under attack by the Sith worshipers devoted to Darth Glovoc, a Sith Lord in a state of stasis within an oubliette.
In his quest to reach Glovoc's oubliette, Vurik slew numerous Sith followers before ultimately facing a group of fugitive Jedi. Despite inflicting wounds on several Jedi and killing one, Vurik was forced to withdraw from the engagement, retreating to Locus, the capital city of Nyriaan. Having failed to secure Glovoc's oubliette, Vurik opted to employ bounty hunters to hunt down the Jedi on Nyriaan while he pressed on with his search for Glovoc, who had been secreted away by his followers.

Darth Vurik, a male individual, held the rank of Sith Lord within the One Sith order, serving under the Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Krayt during the Second Imperial Civil War. Shortly following Krayt's deposed of Emperor Roan Fel and the establishment of his own Empire, his Sith agents uncovered accounts suggesting that the Interdictor-class cruiser Dying Sun, a warship of the Sith that saw action during the Jedi Civil War—an ancient conflict sparked by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak against the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Council—had crashed on the Mid Rim planet of Nyriaan. In the year 132 ABY, Krayt dispatched Vurik to Nyriaan with orders to investigate these accounts, in hopes of recovering Sith artifacts such as Sith holocrons.
Upon his arrival, Vurik initiated his investigation, eventually stumbling upon a settlement inhabited by the descendants of the Sith survivors from the crash that occurred at the close of the Jedi Civil War. These individuals, who identified themselves as the "Children of the Tempest"—beings physically and mentally warped by generations of inbreeding—launched an attack on Vurik in an attempt to safeguard the oubliette of the Sith Lord Darth Glovoc, the Dying Sun's captain and the object of worship for the Sith descendants. Vurik slew many of the Sith who were trying to defend Glovoc, who was in a comatose state, held in stasis inside the oubliette.

However, the actions of Vurik did not go unnoticed by members of the local clans, who were providing refuge to several fugitive Jedi. A group of these Jedi confronted Vurik; during the battle, the Sith Lord managed to injure several Jedi and kill at least one before ultimately being defeated by them. This defeat forced him to retreat to Locus, the capital of Nyriaan. Taking advantage of the distraction caused by Vurik's battle with the Jedi, the Sith worshipers of Glovoc relocated his oubliette to a concealed location. Unwilling to report his failure to Darth Krayt, Vurik chose to remain on Nyriaan and continue his efforts to locate Glovoc, enlisting the services of bounty hunters to track down and eliminate the Jedi who had attacked him.
Darth Vurik, a Sith Lord of the male gender, demonstrated a willingness to engage both the Children of the Tempest and the Jedi on Nyriaan in combat. He was resolute in his determination to seize Glovoc and his oubliette. Faced with the prospect of reporting his failure to Darth Krayt, he opted to remain on Nyriaan and persist in his search for Glovoc.
As a Sith Lord within Darth Krayt's One Sith order, Vurik possessed sensitivity to the Force. His combat skills were sufficient to decimate numerous members of the Children of the Tempest. His abilities enabled him to inflict injuries upon several of the Jedi who attacked him and to kill at least one of them.
Darth Vurik made his debut in the 2010 resource book Galaxy of Intrigue published by Wizards of the Coast, where he served as one of the characters impacting the history of the planet Nyriaan.