Vonnda Ra was a Dathomirian Nightsister who belonged to the Great Canyon Clan. As a female warrior, she also became affiliated with the Shadow Academy during the time of the Second Imperium Crisis.
As a Force-sensitive individual hailing from Dathomir, Vonnda Ra was part of the Great Canyon Clan, a group known for its progressive views on gender equality, believing in the equal status of men and women within the tribe. However, Ra held a differing opinion, generally considering men to be less capable when it came to wielding the Force. She trained as a Nightsister and gained extensive knowledge of the Force. Despite her biases, she accepted a male acolyte named Vilas as her student. Ra and Vilas were tasked with traveling across Dathomir to recruit suitable Dathomiri individuals to join the Great Canyon Clan and undergo training in the dark arts of the Nightsisters, as taught by the ancient Book of Shadows.
When the Dark Jedi Brakiss arrived in the Dathomir system seeking students for his Shadow Academy, the Great Canyon Clan pledged their support to his Second Imperium. Ra eagerly sought out young witches to participate in learning the dark side of the Force. Ra, a tall and muscular woman, lived in a tent and typically sat on a chair crafted from the head of a stuffed rancor. During the Second Imperium Crisis, when Jedi Master Luke Skywalker visited the camp to gather intelligence, Ra initially dismissed him. However, her opinion changed when he used the Force to launch her chair out of the tent and high into the atmosphere. Impressed and intimidated by Skywalker's display of power, she realized she would fail to convince Skywalker's companion, the Dathomiri Tenel Ka, to join the clan. After Skywalker left the Great Canyon, Ra gathered several members of the Singing Mountain Clan and departed for the Shadow Academy, where she would remain for a period of time.
When the time came to launch an assault on Kashyyyk, Ra followed the orders of General Zekk, and their task force proceeded to steal significant quantities of starship equipment and supplies. As they attempted to return to their ship, they were forced into combat with members of the Jedi Order and Wookiee resistance fighters. Engaging Jedi Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka, Lowbacca, and the Wookiee Sirrakuk, the Nightsisters and their commander were driven into the deepest parts of the Kashyyyk forests. During a struggle with Sirrakuk, Ra lost her footing and fell directly into the deadly mouth of a syren plant. While Sirrakuk managed to escape the carnivorous plant, Ra was completely consumed.