Requud held the title of Ducha within the Hapes Consortium. As with other known individuals who possessed this rank, she was female.
In her role as a Ducha, Requud stood among the highest-ranking women residing in the Hapes Cluster. Similar to Duchas AlGray and Galney, she potentially governed one of the primary star systems located within Hapan space. Like them, she undoubtedly held command over a formidable fleet of Hapan Battle Dragons, with the Deserving Gem serving as her flagship.
Additionally, she possessed royal lineage, and by the year 41 ABY, she was considered one of the closest successors to the throne, following Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo and the Chume'da Allana.
During the Battle of Uroro Station, Requud and her fleet were tasked with providing orbital defense for the planet Shedu Maad itself, while forces from the Hapan Home Fleet were stationed at Uroro Station. Consequently, Requud found herself confronting a large-scale assault launched by the Imperial Navy, while the Home Fleet ships were held back by the Super Star Destroyer Megador.
During the course of the battle, an attack involving a nanokiller targeted at the royal flagship Dragon Queen caused disarray among the Hapan forces, and it became widely accepted that Tenel Ka and her daughter had been killed. At this point, Requud began discussions with the Moff Council.
It seems Requud's intention was to withdraw her forces from the ongoing conflict and seize the throne with the backing of the Moffs. General Livette, who commanded the Hapan forces stationed on the surface of Shedu Maad, also became part of the conspiracy, and permitted an Imperial strike team to land and launch an assault on the planet's Jedi base.
However, another group was working to stop the coup from happening. SigTel intercepted the communications exchanged between Requud and the Moffs, and secret agents from Hapan Security who were aboard the Deserving Gem relieved her of her command.
On Shedu Maad itself, Taryn and Trista Zel, Hapan Security operatives disguised as officers of Her Majesty's Select Commandos, confronted General Livette and informed her that the coup had been prevented. To demonstrate the truth of their statement, an audio transmission was broadcast from Requud's personal comlink located on the Deserving Gem, revealing the frightened voice of a defeated conspirator pleading for her life.
Shortly after this, Trista Zel remarked that the Ducha had experienced an "unfortunate accident".