In the year 36 ABY, the Gorog were contracted for the murder of Tenel Ka Djo's daughter, who was the Queen Mother of Hapes. However, Jacen Solo, her father, intervened, and the Chume'da was rescued.
During the events of the Dark Nest Crisis, Jacen Solo journeyed to Hapes to request assistance from his long-time friend Tenel Ka Djo, now the Queen Mother. He asked her to dispatch a fleet to the Unknown Regions to defend The Colony against an impending Chiss invasion. She consented to provide the fleet, but only on the condition that he spend the night with her, a request he fulfilled.
A year later, Djo extended a clandestine invitation to Solo, urging him to visit her on Hapes. He had initially planned a camping trip to the forest moon of Endor with his cousin, Ben Skywalker, and brought him along. Unbeknownst to Solo, Djo had become pregnant following their encounter the previous year and had employed the Force to artificially extend the gestation period of their daughter, concealing her parentage. Yet, since her daughter's birth, Djo had sensed an approaching danger through the Force.
The sense of impending doom reached its zenith when Solo held his daughter for the first time. After reactivating DD-11A, the bodyguard and nanny droid assigned to the new Chume'da, the droid issued a warning about an insect infestation. Skywalker, having previously been joined with a Killik, immediately recognized the insects and initially deemed them harmless. However, he soon deduced that the Gorog had been commissioned to assassinate the Chume'da.
Solo was compelled to subdue Skywalker with a Force grip, applying pressure to his carotid arteries to induce unconsciousness and prevent him from attacking DD-11A. While the droid deployed its flamethrower to combat the insects, Solo shrouded Djo, Skywalker, his daughter, and himself using a Force technique acquired from the Adepts of the White Current. DD-11A managed to escape through a hole in the floor created by Solo with his lightsaber, drawing the insects away. Djo and Solo then utilized their lightsabers and the Force to eliminate the remaining insects.
The Gorog's knowledge of a secret escape tunnel, a detail known only to the Queen Mother or a former Queen Mother, led Djo and Solo to suspect that Ta'a Chume, Djo's grandmother and a former Queen Mother, had orchestrated the Gorog's involvement. Solo confronted her, prepared to kill her, but Djo intervened, desiring to handle her grandmother personally. Ta'a Chume revealed that the Gorog had initially approached her, motivated by their discontent with Djo's interference at Qoribu. She confessed to ordering the assassination to prevent the offspring of two Jedi from inheriting the Hapan throne, providing the insects with navicomputer technology to ensure they targeted the Chume'da instead of Djo. Enraged, Solo prepared to kill her, but she warned him that her death would trigger other assassins to eliminate Djo. Consumed by anger, he channeled Force energy into her mind, rendering her comatose but not dead.
Subsequently, Solo rubbed Skywalker's head, erasing his memories of the events on Hapes. He replaced them with fabricated memories of Moon Falls on Endor, safeguarding his daughter's true identity.