GemDiver Station, a space station, circled the planet Yavin. Lando Calrissian built it in 23 ABY for Corusca mining. While similar space stations existed before, GemDiver Station stood alone at its inception due to the immense initial cost of such a project. Yavin was also unique as the sole source of Corusca gems.
Despite being an industrial site, GemDiver Station's interior was designed to be aesthetically pleasing. The station's walls were painted in gentle pastel colors and adorned with artistically shaped optical tubes. Natural sounds were also played constantly over the intercom, even during emergencies. It's highly probable that Calrissian aimed to establish a "peaceful" atmosphere within GemDiver Station, contrasting with Yavin's tumultuous storms.
The control bridge, offices, and docking bays were situated on GemDiver Station's upper levels. The upper observation deck extended outward from the station's main structure. The station's command center, from which all functions were managed, was located here. The bridge offered a comprehensive view, only slightly obstructed by narrow, rectangular windows. Within the control bridge's deck, a sealed armor case contained blasters for emergency use.
To facilitate Corusca gem mining, GemDiver Station maintained the closest safe orbit around Yavin. This proximity necessitated a double-hulled design for the station. The lower levels, also known as the security level, accommodated the mining and shipping operations.
GemDiver Station employed Fast Hand, a Submersible Mining Environment, to extract Corusca gems from Yavin's lower atmospheric regions. Gem size correlated with atmospheric depth, as did the intensity of Yavin's atmospheric storms. Therefore, in addition to a thin layer of quantum-crystalline armor, Fast Hand was permanently connected to GemDiver Station via an energy tether.
Calrissian also contracted individuals known as corusca fishermen to mine Yavin's upper atmosphere. In exchange for a portion of their yield, Calrissian supported their operations. Despite the fact that they only found smaller Corusca gems and Corusca dust there, he considered it worthwhile because even Corusca dust had a considerable value.
Within GemDiver Station's shipping chamber, copper-hued, multi-armed droids packed the newly mined gems into automated cargo pods. These pods were then dispatched to Calrissian's broker on Borgo Prime, who sold the gems and retained a small percentage of the profits.
If Calrissian were dealing in a different commodity, his broker would have demanded a larger cut, but the exceptional value of Corusca gems allowed Calrissian to negotiate a lower rate. However, like many brokers, Calrissian's broker typically refused to reveal the identities of his buyers, fearing the loss of his intermediary role. Nevertheless, he could be bribed.
Given the high value of Corusca gems and the financial risks of mining them, Calrissian prioritized security in his operation. In addition to armed guards, he implemented several other measures to safeguard GemDiver Station against attacks.
Before docking, ships had to navigate a perimeter of numerous automated defensive satellites. Every approaching vessel was met with the sight of these satellites powering up and aiming their weapons. Satellites would attack ships that did not transmit an access authorization code.
The security level, housing the shipping and mining operations, was protected by heavy, armored triple doors that only opened for personnel with the correct code clearance. Droids exclusively loaded the automated cargo pods, which were equipped with self-targeting lasers.
Despite Calrissian's extensive security measures, they proved ineffective during the Second Imperium's Raid on GemDiver Station. The defensive satellite perimeter was overwhelmed by the ion cannons and lasers of four GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats. The double-armored hull was penetrated by a modified Imperial Assault Shuttle carrying industrial-grade Corusca gems, ironically mined at GemDiver Station.
The doors guarding the shipping chamber were breached with a heavy-duty laser. Moreover, the protests of one of the packing droids did not prevent a stormtrooper from blasting it into scrap metal.
Following the Second Imperium's raid, Calrissian and his cyborg assistant Lobot sought ways to enhance GemDiver Station's security, including solutions involving Corusca gems. The specifics of these measures and whether they were implemented remain unknown.