Raid on GemDiver Station

The Raid on GemDiver Station represents an operation executed by the Second Imperium against Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum in 23 ABY. Its purpose was to acquire additional recruits for the Second Imperium's Shadow Academy. This event signaled the commencement of the Second Imperium's campaign directed at the Jedi.



Prior to this assault, Brakiss had established the Shadow Academy with the intention of training and developing a novel order of Dark Jedi. The recruitment of suitable candidates proved straightforward once he facilitated the resurgence of the Nightsisters on the planet Dathomir under the patronage of the Great Canyon Clan. Nevertheless, the supply of recruits originating from Dathomir began to diminish. Furthermore, Brakiss's cruel methods of eliminating weaker students within his academy resulted in the deaths of a minimum of six individuals.

Another occurrence potentially influenced the Shadow Academy's choice to abduct Jedi trainees from the Jedi Praxeum. This involved the arrival of a pilot named Qorl piloting a hyperspace-capable TIE/LN starfighter. Qorl's report detailed his encounter with the Solo twins. While the existence of the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 was already known, the revelation that Skywalker was actively training a new and formidable generation of Jedi Knights may have been a surprise to Brakiss. Operating under the belief that younger minds are more susceptible to influence than adults, Brakiss determined that kidnapping students from the Jedi Praxeum would contribute to the expansion of his new Dark Jedi order.

Immediately preceding the raid, Jedi trainees Lowbacca, Jacen, and Jaina Solo embarked on a field trip to Lando Calrissian's GemDiver Station. The mechanism by which the Shadow Academy learned of the three Jedi trainees' presence on the space station, orbiting the gas giant Yavin, remains unknown. A force consisting of four Skipray blastboats along with one modified assault shuttle was assembled.

Raid on GemDiver Station

GemDiver Station detected an unidentified fleet drawing near after Calrissian and the three students had returned from an expedition into the lower atmosphere of Yavin. The station was unable to request external assistance because the attacking force had established a jamming field. The attackers also ignored all communications attempts from the space station. Alarms were activated, and security personnel aboard the station equipped themselves with additional weaponry.

While heading towards the control bridge accompanied by the students, Calrissian requested a status update and received a briefing on the situation from a security chief. The security chief indicated that the fleet's intentions were unclear. Upon reaching the bridge with the students, Lando's assistant, Lobot, informed Calrissian that GemDiver Station was under attack, though the identity of the attackers was unknown. Jaina Solo, utilizing her knowledge of starship design, identified the ships as being of Imperial origin. Employing their Force abilities, the Jedi trainees sensed a dark presence within the attack force and concluded that they were the intended targets.

As the attacking force neared the perimeter of automated defensive satellites, Lobot disabled their fail-safes. The satellites functioned as intended, but their lasers were unable to penetrate the heavy armor of the blastboats. The blastboats used their ion cannons to disable four of the satellites before destroying them with their lasers. Concurrently, the assault shuttle advanced towards the space station and docked with an airlock located at or near Lower Equipment Bay 34. Security personnel received orders to establish defensive positions around the airlock to repel any boarders. Calrissian armed himself and proceeded towards the airlock as well. He instructed the students to seek a secure location and conceal themselves, but they disregarded his instructions and followed him to the equipment bay.

The assault shuttle employed industrial-grade Corusca gems to bore through the space station's hull. After penetrating sufficiently deep, shaped charges were detonated to create a breach. Stormtroopers, led by Tamith Kai, who commanded the operation, flooded through the opening. Despite the use of lethal force by GemDiver Station's security personnel in their efforts to defend the station, the stormtroopers had received orders to maintain their blaster rifles on stun settings to avoid killing or injuring their targets. Four stormtroopers were killed upon boarding the station.

After overhearing Tamith Kai's reminder to the stormtroopers to avoid harming the children, Calrissian realized that the Jedi trainees had disobeyed his instructions. Calrissian and the students proceeded to GemDiver Station's shipping chamber, regarded as the most secure area on the station. It was protected by heavy, triple-armored doors and an airlock. Calrissian left them in this location and ventured outside, subsequently being stunned. As they had not yet been permitted to construct their own lightsabers and were unable to locate an armory within the shipping chamber, the Jedi trainees were effectively trapped. Stormtroopers managed to breach the doors of the shipping chamber utilizing a heavy-duty laser. Despite the objections of one of the packing droids present in the chamber, the stormtroopers entered. The droid was promptly destroyed. Jacen, Jaina, and Lowbacca were stunned and taken captive.


Jacen, Jaina, and Lowbacca, along with Lowbacca's droid Em Teedee, were abducted and transported to the Shadow Academy, where Brakiss and Tamith Kai attempted to sway them to embrace the dark side of the Force. Jacen and Jaina both resisted Brakiss's teachings. However, Tamith Kai achieved limited success with Lowbacca, owing to his somewhat volatile temperament. The reprogramming of Em Teedee to exhibit greater loyalty to the Empire further aggravated the situation. While Em Teedee was already irritating, his pronouncements such as "The Empire is your friend" exacerbated the issue. Nevertheless, Lowbacca successfully resisted Tamith Kai's cruel training methods from corrupting him.

Upon regaining consciousness, Calrissian informed Luke Skywalker of the trainees' disappearance. He pointed out that the attacking force had utilized industrial-grade Corusca gems to penetrate GemDiver Station's hull, and noted the irony that his broker was the sole individual from whom the raiders could have acquired the gems. Upon Skywalker's arrival, Calrissian provided the Jedi Master with an old blockade runner named Off Chance to facilitate his discreet travel to Borgo Prime in pursuit of the broker.

Meanwhile, Calrissian and Lobot endeavored to enhance GemDiver Station's security, with one strategy involving the utilization of Corusca gems for defense. The specifics of the other proposed measures remain unknown, as does whether any were implemented. Skywalker and Tenel Ka embarked on a mission to locate them. Due to the characteristics of the Corusca gem industry, they were successful in tracing the purchase of the industrial-grade Corusca gems through Calrissian's unscrupulous broker. The trail led them to the planet Dathomir, where they discovered that the Nightsisters had been resurrected.

Disguising themselves as potential recruits for the Nightsisters, Skywalker and Tenel Ka were dispatched to the Shadow Academy, where the missing Jedi trainees were being held. Upon their arrival, they found Jacen, Jaina, and Lowbacca in the process of escaping the Shadow Academy. Following a confrontation with Brakiss and Tamith Kai, the Jedi commandeered a shuttle and returned to Yavin 4.

In the immediate wake of the raid on GemDiver Station, Brakiss expressed satisfaction with the outcome. Assuming that Skywalker would be preoccupied with searching for his missing Jedi trainees, he planned further assaults on the Jedi Praxeum. However, he underestimated the accuracy of his assumption. After the escape, he was compelled to relocate the Shadow Academy immediately to prevent New Republic scouts deployed to locate the missing trainees from discovering it. He also abandoned his plans to abduct additional trainees from the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin, choosing instead to concentrate on recruiting disadvantaged youths to his cause.

