Kur was a Twi'lek of the male gender who held the position of leader for the government of Ryloth within the New Republic Senate. Previously, he functioned as a clan's chieftain before his clan was overthrown by Nolaa Tarkona, the person who established the anti-Human Diversity Alliance. Kur, unlike many clan leaders of the past who were exiled to the Bright Lands, was instead exiled to the frigid, dark side of Ryloth. In the year 24 ABY, Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka—who were also evading Nolaa Tarkona—saved him. He then joined a New Republic team that was sent to Ryloth to look into claims that the Diversity Alliance was keeping Human slave miners and gathering weapons to start a conflict with the New Republic. The inspection rapidly turned into a firefight, but Kur intervened and persuaded all parties to cease fighting. The citizens of Ryloth selected Kur to lead their government after the conclusion of the mission. As one of his initial actions as leader, Kur dispatched two representatives to the New Republic Senate, specifically one male and one female Twi'lek.