The clash known as the Battle of Lorell transpired between the forces of the Lorell Raiders and the Jedi Order.
Around 4200 BBY, the Lorell Raiders, who were male pirates and mercenaries, discovered secure routes through the Transitory Mists of the Hapes Cluster. These Lorell Raiders, operating from their base on the primary planet of Hapes, would venture into the territory of the Galactic Republic to attack Republic shipping lanes and abduct any woman they deemed beautiful, taking them back to Hapes to be enslaved. This practice persisted for a considerable duration, until the actions perpetrated by the Lorell Raiders garnered the attention of the Jedi Order.
The annihilation of the Lorell Raiders' military strength spurred the women who remained on Hapes to seize control and leadership for themselves. Vowing that men would never again govern them, they consolidated their authority and vested it in a single woman known as the Queen Mother, who subsequently established the female-dominated society known as the Hapes Consortium. Furthermore, the defeat suffered by the Lorell Raiders at the hands of the Jedi fostered anti-Jedi sentiment among the Hapans across numerous generations.
Following his involvement in various other conflicts, Jedi Master Arca Jeth met his demise in 3997 BBY on Deneba as a result of an assault by Krath war droids.