The rakamat functioned as a Yuuzhan Vong reptilian siege beast, fulfilling a role and possessing a size akin to the Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport.
These creatures possessed a blue-green scaly hide, marked with dark orange splotches, and the shimmering silver of yorik coral spikes along their heads and spinal regions. Measuring over twenty meters long, the rakamat moved upon six enormous legs toward enemy positions. They projected microsingularities using integrated dovin basals and unleashed their prominent Yaret-Kors over a distance of two kilometers. The singularity employed by the rakamat extended its mass, which resulted in initial reports describing the rakamats as massive, slug-like beings.
Beyond its offensive capabilities, the massive rakamat also served as a transport for reptilian Chazrach warriors. As the rakamats lumbered into combat, Chazrach warriors would cling to the creature's thick exterior until they reached the enemy's front lines. In addition, the rakamats acted as platforms for dovin basals, which were utilized to control Chazrach during battle. If a rakamat was destroyed, the Chazrach associated with it would scatter.
Forces of the New Republic considered the reptilian behemoths to be nearly indestructible. During the Battle of Dantooine, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker exerted himself to the point of exhaustion by manipulating the Force to cause the rakamat's gravitic singularity to collapse inward. Wedge Antilles was compelled to utilize six X-wings along with a hidden cache of explosives to eliminate a single rakamat, and he resorted to tricking a coralskipper into crashing into a second rakamat to achieve its destruction.
The rakamats' extensive firing range, and their resemblance to a mountain, led starfighter pilots to give them the nickname "range." Field commanders designated them as "warkeepers" due to their presence indicating that a battle would be protracted and costly.