Jakan held the position of High Priest within the Priest caste, marking him as a prominent figure among the Yuuzhan Vong Elite.
Jakan served as a key religious counselor to Supreme Overlord Shimrra even prior to the commencement of the invasion. Following the death of his daughter, Elan, he became even more rigid in his religious beliefs, persistently advising Shimrra to eradicate the Jeedai heresy before it could expand its influence. This included suggesting the release of wild spinerays into the depths of the Coruscant underworld. Although he anticipated presiding over numerous grand offerings to the Gods on Yuuzhan'tar, the Priest caste suffered repeated setbacks due to the World Brain's acts of sabotage. During the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, Jakan, in conjunction with High Prefect Drathul and Master Shaper Qelah Kwaad, endeavored to offer Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Harrar as sacrifices to the World Brain, but their efforts were thwarted by a band of heretics and dissenting Warriors.
Jakan was among the Yuuzhan Vong who journeyed to the Unknown Regions aboard Zonama Sekot.