In the year 28 ABY, Corran Horn and Tahiri Veila, both Jedi, embarked on a second mission to Coruscant during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Their objective was to extract the Prophet Yu'shaa.
It was discovered that Shimraa, the Supreme Overlord, was fearful of the living planet known as Zonama Sekot. Consequently, Nom Anor, operating under the guise of Yu'shaa, sought to reach this planet. Unable to leave Coruscant independently, he dispatched a qahsa to the Galactic Alliance. This qahsa contained Yu'shaa's plea for assistance, information regarding Coruscant's planetary defenses, and designated times for a potential meeting.
Following the receipt of the qahsa and subsequent deliberations, it was determined that Corran Horn and Tahiri Veila would utilize a Yuuzhan Vong vessel to infiltrate Coruscant and facilitate the Prophet's escape.
Given the daily descent of satellites from Coruscant's orbit, Tahiri and Corran initially gained entry undetected. However, their landing was harsh, rendering the ship incapable of further flight. Aware of the numerous Yuuzhan Vong patrols, they opted to navigate the ship up a connecting pipe from the lake where they landed.
Upon reaching the surface, they encountered Kunra, a Yuuzhan Vong, and soon after, Yu'shaa, who clarified the circumstances. The plan was altered to involve infiltrating the shaper damutek, 'kidnapping' Nen Yim, and subsequently escaping to Zonama Sekot.
By exploiting a diversion created by a mob of Shamed Ones attacking a gla, a structure used for breeding amphistaffs, Corran and Tahiri successfully drew a significant number of warriors away from the damutek's entrance. Four additional Shamed Ones, clad in brown robes and wielding glowing plants to resemble Jedi, approached the damutek, further diverting all but one of the remaining warriors.
Inside, Nen Yim employed a toxin to paralyze the damutek, disabling its defensive mechanisms. She then eliminated three Yuuzhan Vong while Tahiri and Corran entered and dealt with the remaining opposition. Corran and Tahiri proceeded to breach the damutek's wall to allow their Sekotan ship to exit, during which three warriors entered. Tahiri engaged them, but one managed to wound her with an amphistaff bite. Weakened, she was rescued by Corran, who then brought her aboard the ship.
After departing the damutek, they landed near a shrine to collect Yu'shaa, along with another Yuuzhan Vong named Harrar. Despite not being part of the original strategy, Harrar was permitted to join them. Following a pursuit by coral skippers, Corran assumed control of the ship's piloting. Discovering the ship lacked weaponry, Corran's only recourse was to evade the pursuers, and after a period of intense flying, they successfully escaped.