
T'less, a female member of the Yuuzhan Vong species, was among the Shamed Ones. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, T'less toiled on the captured planet of Yuuzhan'tar, secretly adhering to the Jeedai heresy. This belief posited that members of the Jedi would offer salvation to the Yuuzhan Vong's lowest members. In 28 ABY, she briefly encountered the Shamed One Vuurok I'pan alongside fellow Shamed Ones Shoon-mi Esh and Aarn. I'pan had brought Ammorn, another Yuuzhan Vong, to gain insight into the Jeedai heresy from the trio. However, T'less departed before Aarn and Esh to fabricate an alibi for their absence.


T'less resided on Yuuzhan'tar by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Belonging to the Shamed Ones, a caste ostracized by other Yuuzhan Vong, T'less was a female of the Yuuzhan Vong species. Her life unfolded during the Yuuzhan Vong War, an era when her people invaded the New Republic galaxy. In the year 28 ABY, T'less found herself working on the planet Yuuzhan'tar, a world captured from the New Republic earlier in the conflict. Secretly, she was a follower of the Jeedai heresy, a belief held among the Shamed Ones that the New Jedi Order would deliver them from their plight. T'less concealed her true beliefs beneath the guise of legitimate labor. With fellow Shamed Ones Shoon-mi Esh and Aarn, both adherents of the Jeedai heresy, T'less journeyed to meet the renegade Shamed One Vuurok I'pan, who was escorting a Yuuzhan Vong seeking to learn about this forbidden doctrine.

The group convened in a subbasement on Yuuzhan'tar, where they encountered I'pan and his companion, Ammorn, secretly the disgraced Executor Nom Anor. As Esh and Ammorn began discussing the heresy, T'less grew increasingly anxious. Fearing exposure to Yuuzhan Vong authorities, who strictly forbade the heresy, and concerned about being late for another appointment, she voiced her worries. Esh then instructed T'less to inform Sh'simm that he and Aarn were delayed in the yorik coral nursery, providing a fabricated explanation for their absence. T'less then departed the meeting to carry out this task.

Personality and traits

As a Shamed One, T'less was considered an outcast by the Yuuzhan Vong. She embraced the Jeedai heresy and was willing to operate covertly while working. However, T'less became anxious and worried that she and her companions would be discovered during their secret meeting on Yuuzhan'tar, leading Esh to send her away, as he and Aarn were more dedicated to the heresy and more willing to risk exposure. Amorrn perceived an aura of weariness surrounding T'less.

Behind the scenes

T'less only appeared in Force Heretic I: Remnant, a New Jedi Order novel released in 2003 and authored by Sean Williams and Shane Dix.

