Aarn was a Shamed One of the male variety who resided on Coruscant in the time following the Yuuzhan Vong's conquest and subsequent Vongforming of the world into Yuuzhan'tar. His physical appearance showed signs of Shaming across multiple generations, yet he seemed to lack any immediate deformities. Similar to numerous other Shamed Ones, Aarn became aware of the Jeedai heresy and embraced its tenets.
Upon learning that Aarn was vocalizing his dissatisfaction with the Yuuzhan Vong's shortcomings in the war, the World Brain's inclination towards rebellion, and the oppressive rule of Supreme Overlord Shimrra, Nom Anor swiftly discerned that Aarn was propagating a different form of heresy—namely, advocating for an uprising against Shimrra and the Elite.