Widowmaker was a frigate serving in the Navy of the Imperial Remnant, with Arien Yage as its commanding officer. Within its stormtrooper ranks were Lieutenants Stalgis and Tarl.
While leading the Battle of Borosk, Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon remained aboard within a bacta tank. The Widowmaker focused its targeting on the structure that Jaina Solo was scheduled to infiltrate during her assignment on Onadax. Afterward, it took part in the Battle of Zonama Sekot, but was left behind when the planet disappeared into hyperspace again after its encounter with the Red Qurang. Subsequent to the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, Luke Skywalker gave Tahiri Veila, who was traveling on Zonama Sekot, the mission of finding the ship, which had been lost within the Unknown Regions.