Battle of Zonama Sekot (Yuuzhan Vong War)

A significant conflict transpired between the living world of Zonama Sekot and the Yuuzhan Vong in the year 28 ABY during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

The attacking Yuuzhan Vong force targeting Zonama Sekot was relatively small. It was comprised of a pair of mid-sized cruiser equivalents along with their accompanying Coralskipper fighters. Zonama Sekot, however, mounted a defense utilizing its own unique vessels. The engagement was intense, with the Yuuzhan Vong initially withstanding the planet's defensive measures. Ultimately, the Zonama Sekotan defenses proved victorious, overpowering the Yuuzhan Vong invaders and pursuing the survivors. Near the battle's conclusion, both the Jade Shadow and the Imperial Remnant frigate known as the Widowmaker made their appearance. Subsequently, Zonama Sekot emitted a surge of psychic power, rendering the crew of the Jade Shadow unconscious. This psychic wave intentionally bypassed the Widowmaker, although certain members of her crew experienced headaches and feelings of spacesickness. Upon regaining consciousness, the crew of the Jade Shadow discovered that their ship had landed on Zonama Sekot. They were then greeted by Jabitha, the Magister of the planet's Ferroan inhabitants. Simultaneously, the Widowmaker remained safely in orbit around the living world, untouched by the conflict. Commander Ekh'm Val, conversely, escaped to Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane and informed him about the existence of Zonama Sekot.

